
As a nonbeliever, I really wouldn't want to marry a religious person. But my horoscope said that I'm destined to marry someone of deep faith, so idk

You selected communications as your major. I'm not shocked by your limited capacity to make decisions.

Who knew science and logic were such a put off?

To be fair, getting a Richard Dawkins book every Christmas would be the worst thing...

I lived in Germany in the late 80's-early 90's (military brat).

Statistically speaking, it likely is average because the few people that are spending hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars on weddings (e.g., Kim and Kanye) bring the average absurdly high despite the number of people having low-cost weddings. If you looked at the median or mode, it would likely be much less

I heard on the radio that the "average cost" of a wedding is $30,000. That simply cannot be right. It must be the average cost of a wedding for people who have big weddings or something like that.

To be honest, yeah, I would love to be able to afford to care about this. But I'm a 23 year old unemployed Communications degree holder. Being picky isn't in my mind set. So I will buy clothes I know are made by 8 year olds.

I think it's just finally getting attention.

I had a friend who regularly gave out the time and temperature number. For all the guys saying that it's just flat mean to not give all these great guys your number, I had a guy once pin me against a wall at a bar and scream at me because I screened his call and didn't call him back (he got kicked out of the bar,

Did I ruin your day? I hope I did. If being called a baby is a bad enough insult then you have another thing coming. If you had to listen to the same inane complaint over and over then you would be as testy as I am right now.

You just HAD to make it about you. The fact that you're such a nice guy who can handle a

Right. Because rapist, abusers and the rest of the motley assortment always wear their "I am a dangerous misogynist" badge."

It's still around! I used it a lot in high school because some older men think it's perfectly okay to hit on high school girls at Six Flags. My bikini top while in line for a water ride wasn't an invitation and I'm not getting out of line just because you keep asking for my number, rejection hotline for you dude!

But it isn't for you. It's for the men who can't take a "no thanks", of which there are plenty. I've had men scream and yell at me in the streets for rejecting them. I've been called a "bitch", "dyke", "whore", etc. all for simply saying that I wasn't interested.

It's not about you, bro. For every one of us who just wants a "no thanks, you're not my type" there are 20 dudes who will take offense.

I'd rather they use anyone but Bell Hooks, though.

. . . you know that women wouldn't give fake numbers if we didn't have good reason, though, right? It's hardly unusual for men to react with anger, insults, harassment, threats, and even violence when women politely decline their advances.

not every guy is as reasonable as you

There used to be a phone number you could give out in the late 90s early 2000s called the rejection hotline that played a recorded message that was something like "sorry, but the person who gave you this number was just not that into you". It was probably about a minute long recording. I don't think I ever had the

This is for the people who won't take "no thanks" for an answer.

It galls me that we can't just say, "Nope, I'm not interested."