
I imagine she developed that line of thinking in utero.

Yes, when the day comes and she actually has some real adult issues to deal with, she'll be all longing for the days when Instagram censoring her boobs was a big concern in her life.

Here's the thing about breasts: They're not amazing. They're not inappropriate. They're not empowering. They're not disgraceful. They are not a goddamn statement.

That skirt is a disaster.

I'm actually pretty impressed that a man can masturbate to a still photo of a woman walking topless in 2014.

Yeah, it's not like there's no where on the internet you can show nudity, so who cares if you can't on istagram.

Not to be that cynical old person but I'm pretty sure attention was the whole point of this "protest" swathed in faux-feminist jargon. I'm going to add this to the pile of cis, conventionally attractive young white women who think that being nude/semi-nude automatically makes them walking performance art or a

I never blamed myself, I knew it was not my fault. But I did know that OTHERS would see it as my fault, and I felt no need to try and defend myself to those people, at the cost of my privacy and esteem. No one should have to feel humiliated for defending themselves against a complete violation.

"3...2...1... Scout's nipples gets a reality show."'re a man????

Missing footage: 3 kids rampaging around the house while wife chases after them and husband smugly drinks Old Style beer with hand down pants watching "The Game".

Her other ad: "What makes a good woman a bad woman? You tell me – you're the one who can't watch the game in your own home."

He was mad simply because a men's only gym would be seen as discriminatory. Life is so unfair for men!

UGH, why does he even care?! It's not like "women only" gyms are nicer than co-ed ones, for fuck's sake.

I am furious right there with you girl. And here is why. I don't want to be afraid of men. I don't want to think that anytime I walk past a man and I am alone I need to be on the defensive. I don't want to cringe when I am out for a jog and a car pulls up on the side of the road to park and all I can think about

God, I'm so sorry all that happened to you and that you had to go through it alone.

"I'm furious that my parents ingrained in me from a very young age that I should never wear heels because I should always be ready to run at a moment's notice"

I had a similar conversation with my college roommate's boyfriend. He was angry about 'women only' gyms. I couldn't make him understand that for too many reasons to count, lots of women feel vulnerable being in front of men when wearing gym attire.

The best way to prove that you're not a misogynist is to deny that misogyny exists and believe that anyone who perpetuates the idea that MAYBE IT DOES is just a fat, bitter cunt.

I'm also angry for the many girls and women for whom the risk isn't out on a late night walk, but right in their very homes. Something about the place that should be the safest actually holding the most danger is just so cruel, and so very damaging.