I fucking LOVED Reading Rainbow. Levar Burton presented it perfectly— not patronizing, but not in a teacher way either. I used to get so excited when I took a RR book from the library.
I fucking LOVED Reading Rainbow. Levar Burton presented it perfectly— not patronizing, but not in a teacher way either. I used to get so excited when I took a RR book from the library.
I'm partial to "Soup of the Day: Beer".
I backed it about 30 minutes ago and it was around $30,000. But let's face it Exchange Deal.
I thought they were funny the first few times I saw them, but now I HATE these "Free Beer" signs! They invite idiot customers that can't read the entire thing properly and whine and nag loudly that the business 'lied to them'. Feel bad for the bartenders that have to explain over and over again "we don't really have…
Is It relevant that a "female employee" wrote it? Were they heading for one of those "my best friend is black—-I told that joke to a girl and SHE laughed—etc" style defenses?
A woman walks into a bar, and then leaves because whoever runs the bar is an asshole.
They can make skirts hang more nicely but I have literally never heard that they are a requirement in order to be treated with basic decency.
Just want to point out that the whole lemming suicide thing is a myth.
I have repeatedly asked for a citation on this. FWIW, regardless of if I get that citation, I will personally promise you that I have never used "fish" (and did not even know of its existence until someone pointed it out on a previous article) in this context, and if I understand the meaning of it, vehemently oppose…
I am as pro-LGBTQ as you can get. HOWEVER, I need transgender women to stop referring to non-transgender women as "Fish." Use of this term by individuals in the transgender community, e.g. Janet Mock, is not endearing or cute, it is in fact, offensive and just plain misogonistic. If you want respect you have to give…
What about the persistent and damaging myths this sort of thing propagates though?
The "Have a Wonderful day!" part really adds a nice touch to the casual misogyny.
Chumps like me...I still have DVD service and I have been paying them for 5 years now.
First thought: Hotel Sheets. Then I realized they were using beanbag chairs. Meh.