
Yours didn't pop out with a birth certificate?

Dear God: I know my baby kitties are awesome, and that heaven would be a much better place if they were hanging out there, pooping on your heavenly carpets and chasing all the beams of light you have up there, but if you let both of them live to be at least 24 (although 38 would be better), I'll never take your name

No, there is not a "Girl Who Cried Wolf" problem here; every single study says that rape is underreported, not over-. And there are no more false reports of rapes than any other crime, yet somehow cops still take home invasions seriously. And this: if 100 people make false accusations who is to say that person #101

Direct quote from first line of Wikipedia paragraph on the feminist theory of rape culture:

I have nothing new to add other than that a guy that attempted to sexually assault me in high school ended up becoming a cop. Blech.

It's the Patriarchy wrapped up in that bland wholesome exterior that gives me the creeps. Jim Bob and his sons show up at Rethuglican fundraisers and are treated like major celebrities. So NOT surprised to find that they're on-the-dole hypocrites.

You'll also notice the 6 year old pull their hand out of the back of their pants and grab a massive handful just to watch them slide back out into the bowl. Public bowls of anything are a bad idea.

In one of the specials (before they had their own series), one of them (probably one of the four oldest daughters) explained that Jim Bob likes long hair, therefore Michelle and all her daughters have long hair. The personal preference of the girls never factored into it.

Incidentally, you will find fennel seeds in the little bowl at the door of any Indian restaurant. Sometimes mixed with sugar. Yummy.

Genetics. It's certainly not cum on her face.

No, she just birthed them. Her daughters do the raising.

That said...this woman has NO wrinkles. How is that possible? She's raised 20 kids and my only current dependent is a philodendron and I'm pretty sure I look older than she does.


Yes, but their wealth has no "self-support" involved. They don't pay for their health insurance (a huge boon with a family that size, literally hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and a benefit of his single term as an Arkansas state legislator that he makes no attempt to hide is the only reason he ran for

I'm guessing that the whole "up to god" thing was just cover for Jim Bob's pregnancy fetish.

You're looking for logic in religion. Stop before you hurt yourself.

They're lucky they have the privilege of having as many kids as they want. Not everyone can just "leave it up to God" when it comes to their reproductive decisions.

I'm confused about the whole "up to God" thing, then. If you are taking medical measures to optimize or increase your fertility, how is that at all different from taking birth control, in terms of meddling with "God's plan?" You're taking measures into your own hands for both. It's the exact opposite of birth control,

Doesn't make sense for me, I would just use a jug or store the juice box in a vertical position, saving space :-)

he's so sexy hehe