
Pretty sure the Republican Party is kept alive by old, willfully ignorant jackasses who refuse to stop voting...and whatever offspring they have who refuse to think for themselves. I went through a list of Dem vs. Repub issues, comparing to Christian values, and my Dad just shrugged and said, “Well, I’m NOT going to

Maybe that’s what it takes for some of these male writers to have a shred of sympathy for a female character. We’re so deep in rape culture that it takes a character getting raped to excuse any sort of anger/self-defense/strength from a female character.

I bet there will be quite a few thinkpieces about this thing with the age being a factor. I always thought of these shooters as being no older than mid 40s, but I guess I need to look into it. I saw a thing about criminality and age, but that was over a decade ago. And I’m starting to wonder about these testosterone

LOL I forgot Alex Jones was selling “virility” snake oil. Every time I hear about him on TYT it blows my mind that he has an audience. The world, especially America, is so toxic in so many ways.

I agree. Absolutely. This is toxic masculinity, supported by GOP’s platform of might makes right, etc. Just waiting to find out this guy had domestic violence issues.

That’s weird—haven’t seen any major news sources surprised about him being white, but I’ve only watched about 10 minutes of coverage. And I hate to say but I wouldn’t be surprised to hear it. I was up at 6AM EST, and when I saw the news alerts I was like Oh Hell No. Not now. Checked out a bit about it, and mainly just

A lot of the coverage is pointing out that is age is what stands out as being the oddest thing. But the profile for mass shooter is white. When a guy gets past middle age, the testosterone slump usually reduces this sort of risk. I wonder if the recent trend for testosterone replacement will change that profile.

I’m just surprise it didn’t end with “Sad!”

I think the story goes that she was broke, and a photographer paid her $50 to do the shots, which she only would do with the photographer’s wife present (smart). Hef bought the photos and printed them as Monroe was becoming known for her small parts in movies (~1953). She was in “Don’t Bother to Knock”, which was

This whole family is what failing upward looks like after starting higher up than most people could dream of reaching after a lifetime.

From Wikipedia’s “Reproductive coercion”

“Well I think that my role, and anyone who works for the President of the United States, their role is to inform, advise and then ultimately execute,”

I also didn’t see the name right away and thought, “Oh, great. Now there’s going to be fat-shaming.”

Boys will be boys.

Single male? Certainly not...there’s not even a married male that has not harassed any female coworkers.

Although I feel bad for any rape victim, it’s hard to push it out of my mind that she is a rape enabler. She is part of the establishment that hurts us all. She supports rape culture. She is a traitor. It’s too bad this is what it takes for her to gain some understanding of what others have felt.

I had a hard time getting past the way Liz Lemon is basically a Kathy comic strip come to life.

Or—they used two different cameras that began at different settings and when they edited it, didn’t realize the color settings weren’t the same because Brannon looks so bad in the first place.

Mansplaining is about men assuming a woman doesn’t know about a certain topic. But if she really is ignorant, as per your example, then it’s not really mansplaining.