
I’m not used to seeing so much common sense in this comment section. You’ve put in so much effort, but I’m afraid it won’t really educate anyone. There’s so much bleeding-heart victim mentality that anything you write just gives them more to complain about.

I guess I’m just a superfan because I don’t understand the hate. I listen to quite a few podcasts in the Smodcast network and I really liked Tusk and Red State. Of course his style is going to change. If he just made everything exactly like Clerks, people would be bashing him for not changing his style.

Bummer that I can’t find pictures of the waterfall. I found a picture of Phi Delta Thetas with a waterfall, but not the one in question.

I really enjoyed watching Serena Joy suffer (in both versions of Handmaid’s Tale) these traitorous bitches need to realize they aren’t exempt. When Schlafly died, I told my husband about who she was and what she did, he was dumbfounded. He kept saying “Why the hell would she do that? She’s a woman, too!” And when we

If loving Frasier is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

Mad Magazine did a great take on Norman Rockwell’s “The Runaway”. I think this picture says far more than a thousand words.

I do that. Not my main job, but part of my job. SEO content, videos, instruction manuals, web design—for business, though. Not for funsies. Been too busy to do my personal blog.

Sounds like at least 5 wacky legal shows I’ve seen. Probably done on Ally McBeal and other lawyer-based shows.

Thanks. Now I know about Scarfolk County. Cool idea—showing that old problems can come back around since humans are virtually incapable of learning from the past. Like a UK version of The Onion?

Yup. That’s what has been really bothering me about the GOP, especially lately. Attacking rights (particularly the GOP’s constant chipping away of reproductive rights), and then elevating an obnoxious windbag who is always on the attack—it puts us in defense mode. It’s a lot harder to win or just keep from getting

I’m in Indiana, too. I was hanging out with some people from my office building, waiting for the little sliver of sun to peek out from the clouds. I feel better for not going through the trouble of trying to get closer to totality than Central Indiana. Lots of places I thought of going to got rain and even more

Pretty sure the same people who get upset about plus-sized models, saying that having representation is “glorifying obesity” also go ballistic when you tell them that having statues of people who led the battle to enslave and dehumanize an entire race of people is glorifying racism.

Exactly. They say that around liberals, but once they draw the curtain on Election Day 2020, they will vote Trump in for another 4 years.

I suggest a compromise so that the Confederates can still have something named after them, to preserve history: “Lost Cause Highway”.

Egads! I hope that monstrosity wasn’t mass-produced.

If the kid takes after them, I’m afraid it will be born with neither a brain nor a heart.

I get the feeling Jared’s only loyalty is to power.