I have dreams about Paul Ryan, too. And I’m on top. But it’s not sexual. Mine involve holding him down, underwater, and watching the last bubble of air leave his lips.
I have dreams about Paul Ryan, too. And I’m on top. But it’s not sexual. Mine involve holding him down, underwater, and watching the last bubble of air leave his lips.
Well, if it weren’t for Walmart’s ideological echo chamber of political correctness, someone would appreciate his humor and his conservative views.
Thank you for reminding me it’s been a while since I’ve listened to Cake. I like your alternative lyrics.
Around the time the reality show with Hef’s girlfriends went off the air, these stories were floating around. And all this stuff about how the mansion is getting run-down (before the sale) and it’s all so shabby and sad. I read something about a journalist who got an invite and was so excited until he saw the…
I think Hefner actually has sex, as he has been rather outspoken about how much Viagra has done for his sex life. I read a few years ago that (warning—if you read beyond this point, be prepared to barf) he would have all his girlfriends surround his bed, he would lay facing up, completely naked and covered with…
Anybody else notice that James Demore looks enough like Romeo Rose that if a rumor floated around that they’re related, it would be believable?
If the period belongs inside, wouldn’t the quote begin with capitalized letter or ellipses to show it is part of a longer sentence?
Last month, I got a coupon for a free pint from my grocery store. So, I kept the coupon, and next shopping trip, I used it. Then the automatic coupon dispenser from the register spit out another coupon for a free pint. And the cashier from the next line looked over, and saw me with my halo top, and said “Oh, do you…
Are you sure this is going far enough? Better drag her out into the street and shoot her to send a message.
Old creeper is all bark and no bucks.
There is such a thing as too much eyebrow makeup.
I’m not in the DD and up, so I’m not experiencing these issues. I hate it when my boobs move, so I usually have a sports bra on, or even “double bag” it, with a bra and a sports bra over it. I’m not interested in anything that has so little support. Even if there’s lift, it’s allowing too much swing. I just can’t…
So, what was wrong with wearing a mostly cotton sports bra? It works like a charm.
Oh Hell No
She’s rather well known for this
Good to know.
Now his mom will have to block Fox News like the nudie channels.