Mazie Hirono (D) of Hawaii, suspended her stage 4 cancer treatment to cast her NO ballot. And McCain gets all the attention.
Mazie Hirono (D) of Hawaii, suspended her stage 4 cancer treatment to cast her NO ballot. And McCain gets all the attention.
Senators do have to pay for healthcare—but they get it at 72% discount. Yes—they get Obamacare gold plan and only have to pay 28% of the cost.
Can’t....yeah, I love it that they say they “can’t” help you with emergency contraception, when the reality is that they “won’t”. This past election cycle has got me really noticing word choice.
You can count on a manchild to worry about the boys.
It’s not characteristic of anything else I’m aware he has done, and...
GOP can be dumb as shit because their voters are. There’s no incentive for them to change.
He misunderstood; thought it was US Women’s Open Legs.
You’re just so precious. That’s just classic jinni. Spreading your wit and charm everywhere you go.
OK so we’re supposed to remember all the names of people who post here and know who is being sarcastic and who is a troll? A couple years ago, some creep posted so many rape porn gifs under new user ids, they had to set up new security measures.
Whatever happens, it’s always the woman’s fault in a country that denies abortion for any reason. Pretty sure their logic goes along with the American Christian “Taliban”.
If the election taught us anything, it’s that too many people make bad decisions—especially in key Electoral states.
I am getting tired of Ivanka posts that have comments about her neck or how weird looking she is from all the plastic surgery.
Hopefully that would be on a shady day. People tend to forget that metal in the sun is hotter than they expect it to be.
Yes—Trump did one sensible thing...he does know HIV isn’t to be trifled with. But since he doesn’t have it, or no one he cares about is known to have it, any research spending, etc. is seen as wasteful. He’s so warped he probably thinks HIV charities are stealing money from his wall fund.
So, getting tested for STDs before starting a dating/relationship/whatever is a bad idea?
That bugged me. This thought also bothers me: They can CGI her face and Moff Tarkington on someone else’s face (Rogue One), but they couldn’t CGI off a few pounds? Even before Episode VII began shooting, they had that technology. In the X Men with Jean Grey as Phoenix, Prof. X and Magneto were given a digital facelift…
For someone to live in Hollywood and work in the film industry—especially in the 70s and 80s—and struggle with the same mental health issues, it would be hard not to have been pulled into the drug scene. Unfortunately, I am sure this news will bring a lot of clucking and rude comments.