
I knew somebody would beat me to it.

Now playing

Thanks for the laugh. It reminds me of this:

When I was a kid in the 80s I heard some “horror story” at church, like those satanic panic rumors. Apparently, Disney was having a “gay day” and all the “homos” were wearing a special color to identify themselves, and going around and flirting and dancing and doing their “homo thing” as it was said.

At least one person wasn’t paying attention. They already made up their minds about how they feel about Cosby—probably at some point in the 80s. And nothing is going to change that.

Unfortunately, this means she is the most qualified Trump cabinet member to date.

The Clinton thing that refuses to die—there’s talk that he raped other women, meaning not Lewinsky or some of the other women who he fooled around with. And things that the husband did many years ago are somehow a reason not to vote for the wife. The Bible belt actually blames the wife for whatever the husband does.

Holy crap! I thought this was a joke, and google image search shows a page of pictures of the same people.

No, men need to show support on the pro-choice side to show other men that it is a thing men can support.

It’s a major award!

A lot of Ariel Winter pictures I’ve seen look like they’re taken by paparazzi (like the ones where she’s doing cartwheels at the beach). I think we see a lot more of her than she’s doing purposely. And there are times that she’s dressed in a rather revealing way to an event—and I get it. She had a recent breast

Instead of “Must see TV”, perhaps it could be “Must creep TV”.

It fits into “boys will be boys” and men are born to conquer, and women are always temptresses who are “asking for it”, and victim-blaming, and if something bad happened to you, it’s because you made it happen, or God allowed it to happen to teach you something so that you can become a better person...

Yes. This sounds like a criminal revisiting the scene of the crime to relive the moment.

He has always been a space cadet.

No, reconsider abstaining...

I met a guy with a fake nose. It was attached to his glasses. He had lost most of his nasal cartilage from snorting cocaine. Although I never had any interest in doing coke, that would certainly make me reconsider abstaining from it.

Except that in their religion, the victim is always “asking for it”, or God allowed it to happen so you could learn something.

I love how they’re playing like this was no big deal. But when they got their new house, the boy’s room was on the other side of the house from the girl’s room. Could it be that they were trying to protect their girls from a danger under their own roof?

Not saying gender was the issue—I think Caitlyn is milking the sympathy angle and happens to be a self-absorbed a-hole who will throw anybody under the bus for another minute in the spotlight.