
Yup. That bothers me, too. I haven’t watched many episodes, but I tried to watch the first 2 seasons on hulu, and I thought that Caitlyn (as Bruce during that time) wasn’t such a great parent. I found her rather snippy with her own daughters and I had heard of (then Bruce) as being such a great and “loving father”.

Interesting. I just found what I think you’re referring to

Single prayer health care.

They don’t respect themselves. It’s unconscious self-loathing. They have internalized their culture’s hatred of women.

You just summed up how I feel about Ms. Goop. I’ve noticed that when I hear of some quote from her, I occasionally clench my fist. No reason at all...

The pope looks like Jonathan Pryce. He looks especially like him in the 2nd photo.

I think they’ll go through the motions and nothing will happen. Then no one can touch him...I’m no expert, but I think double jeopardy applies to such a situation.

I think he got that job because he is both.

This dork supports rape culture and he’s the “victim” because he was caught on tape. Boo hoo. I’m sure this incident didn’t seem like much  for him because he’s around other gross people in the entertainment industry. Probably not even the worst thing he heard that week. And it continues to be gross because nobody who

I didn’t know GOAT meant Greatest Of All Time, and it sent me on an interesting search in which I found this:

You really made my day with this. I really don’t understand how people want that, but they’re committed to that look. For...whatever reasons (?).

They’ll have to serve him 2 scoops of ice cream and everybody else gets only one.

True. He only knows how to judge them by physical attributes or their ability to conform to their gender role. Meeting those requirements earns a pat on the head. Appreciating a woman “as a person” just does not compute.

Yes. He’s had decades of practice doing that.

One of the many great things about Obama was that we didn’t have to WORRY about...all this crazy shit. I don’t even know what to call it. Having a madman in charge (with menacing toadies Pence and Ryan) after having had a cool, calm, collected, and thoughtful person at the helm has been a real shock.

I think about that frat bro’s dreams every time I see him. Well, that and the comment I read here once that he looks like if someone made a wax figure of an attractive man, and it partially melted. He’s always pulling some weird face that’s at least twice as dramatic as needed. Take look at any of the press photos

OK, I admit I did watch two episodes. The one before they got the TV deal when it was just a one-off mini-documentary, and then the one about the new house. I was totally creeped out that they separated the boys and girls in such a strange way that I think you had to crawl over a plank to go from the boy’s room to the

It’s almost as bad as how Ryan looks at Dolt45.

Now playing

Oh wow—it’s real. I couldn’t find that video—he probably took it down because he got made fun of, but he’s still ranting against feminism—westfems... really saying “Western Feminism Privilege”. I couldn’t handle much of it, so crazy.

“Contrasting the straight lines of the product and the cool metal against the beautiful curves and warmth of the human body is art,