
I didn’t notice this time because I’m a 32 year old, I don’t work in publishing or journalism, and I’m not their target market. So the thinkpiece after thinkpiece scolding me for not paying attention is starting to make me eyeroll.

I’m pissed that Steve Bannon exists on this earth.

I was thinking about this recently. Meeting with the President is such a rare opportunity, and most people would agree to do it, even if they disagreed with them. I have a lot of problems with Obama’s policies, but I would still allow him in my house. But I would hand-carve wooden stakes, and entrench them all around

Cats are unreliable in this area. Oh sure, they have claws and teeth, but they also have a propensity for thinking a searing side-eye and derisive tail flick is enough. That’s a little subtle for your average fauxrage reporter.

I am incredibly grateful that no one gave me that kind of platform at 24. Yikes.

Just once, I want to hear something from her that makes objective sense and gives me some idea who she is and why she feels the way she does.

Everything out of her mouth feels like some elaborate simulated chatbot.

I can tell you that “Inbred People Playing with Knives, Ends Poorly For the Ginger One” is something that happens around my white family quite often.

I feel like those exact words could be humanities’ epitaph.

I’m facing down 50 next June. I’m determined to go kicking and screaming. Like, wasn’t I turning 30 about half an hour ago???

I hit a certain age a few years ago where I suddenly have zero tolerance for people talking shit about other people. Maybe because it just feels so pointless? Like, find something else to do with your time?

Right behind you, Shania, eight more days to the 5-0. Who would have guessed that Charlie Sheen, Shania Twain, and I would have birthdays so close together? Kinda proves that astrology is complete bullshit.

I would argue that this case IS an example of racism...because we don’t give women of color any credibility when they accuse men of assault.

I certainly don’t recall anything working class about Kirk.

Nah, the Romulans were powerful and to be feared and respected. In other words, nothing like Ted Cruz. The Ferengi, on the other hand ...

For some reason when Shatner said he couldn't vote, my first thought was not “Is Shatner not American?" but "Wait, is Shatner a felon?"

People joined this site for some outside fucking. This data release would just be another form of it. A bonus round, if you will.

I’ve no doubt that the workers at the brothel are more protected. There are cameras in all the rooms and someone around to bounce people if things get out of control (i.e., nonconsensual).

The older I get, and the more stories like this I see, I am more convinced there is no god.