
I guess. I blame Reagan, myself, but there’s a direct line through them all to where we are now.

Let she who has NOT hidden in the drapes to avoid the sweaty advances of an inveterate pussy-grabber cast the first stone. Amirite, ladies?

Well you could just glue a dildo to your dishwasher, then mount it on roombas for added utility.

Fuck all of you Social Justice Warriors. Tarzan was about a white man who is raised by apes.

No, the microwave is a true patriot.

Maaaan, when has it NOT been the age of the manchild? I’m pushing 50 & am still waiting for those motherfuckers to go out of fashion. Tick tock....

Serious question: does the Black Lives Matter movement have a set position on whether they want white people at their protests or not? I’ve read several high profile articles both ways. I’ll admit to staying away, in part because I’ve read several impassioned pieces saying that I shouldn’t go.


It was such a great event! We had a wonderful time, everyone had witty and powerful signs. Stay strong, ladies! I’m proud to have marched with all the women, men, and everything in between that were there today.

I wonder why Jon Chait didn’t get that same sense of welcoming from his women friends.

Crazy Ex Girlfriend is the bomb. It’s slightly uncomfortable at times, but really easy to watch while doing anything else (eating, drinking, vacuuming, whatever. Idk your life). Also, musical numbers and dark humor.

Hmm. Thanks, Obama.

TIME Magazine is proud to announce its 2017 Person Of The Year: Congestive Heart Failure.

...short-rib burger blend molded into a sad little meat thing, sitting in the center of a massive, rapidly staling brioche bun, hiding its shame under a slice of melted orange cheese...

DiBlasio won’t though ‘cause this is basically a glorified cushy NYPD jobs program. As he’s been on the outs with the police union for years, this probably works in his favor even if the city has to foot the bill.

They really don’t seem to understand that the shit hasn’t even started to hit the fan.

just like diet coke and mentos, except, you know, with our lives.

I am right there with you. I can’t decide if I should give myself regular breaks from consuming information like this, or if it’s more important to stay informed. All I know is I am racked with anxiety and I don’t know how I will survive the next four years.

He is obviously just going to keep doing whatever he wants until he is somehow forced to stop. Let’s see if anyone in the government grows some fucking ovaries and puts their foot down. It will be worth so much to see the legendary tantrum that will result.