
Neither rats nor gerbils. It was the FLEAS.

I have a theory about people who become wildly successful/famous on the level that Steve has achieved: their relationship with their past, pre-fame and success, is an either or proposition. Either they embrace it. Or they shed it like a snake sheds its skin, leaving it in the middle of the road, to dry up and blow

I hate selfish people. Seriously. And you know if they'd ignored you and gotten bit, you still would've gotten sued and your dog put down.

People are assholes. Thank you for not being an asshole and rescuing an abused dog! (And I bet he was really thankful too!)

Thank you for teaching your kids right. I have a dog adopted from a shelter. She can be aggressive with strangers she feels are threatening her personal space. She is a good dog otherwise. I feel bad but I don't often take her for walks in public because some children and adults will walk up to pet her without asking.

Our cats would contribute on a regular basis, they would leave the proceeds from the job on the front door.

I mean, if orgies were an option I would... no, I'd still just order some Thai food and do my nails. Different strokes! (ew)

It's like the old saying:

This quote literally makes no sense.

TV characters have fewer abortion rights than anyone else in America. They can try to get an abortion but it will never actually happen.

I don't mean to brag, but I don't have to have sex with unconscious people to have sex.

If these guys can learn all the theory but still fail to respect women, I think it shows evidence of some kind of pathology, something that prevents them from having enough empathy for other people to balance others' needs and against their own needs and desires.

My genius boyfriend also has a flip phone.

Sooooo true. I cringe watching Britcoms from the 80s and 90s especially because the "American" characters would be sooooo badly portrayed.

The problem with a lot of the "controversy" of the movie is that it kept being said that "well, LBJ wasn't *really* like that" when he was! When People who were actually there said , "oh yeah, he definitely was an asshole and used words like that."


The stories of slavery and the Civil Rights movement have been appropriated by the white power structure.

Hibachi ;)

Are you sure it wasn't Kappa Kappa Kappa?

I believe Ripp when he says "his 'Ho' paintings are a reflection on Smartphone social media being a "new site of aggression and anxiety in the age of the 'virtual male gaze,' where the archetypal macho painter has been emasculated." But that doesn't make it better. By his own admittance he's reducing a person—Ho—into