Speaking personally, "edgy" has always been synonymous with "sexually harassing minimum wage delivery drivers."
Speaking personally, "edgy" has always been synonymous with "sexually harassing minimum wage delivery drivers."
My business ShipYourEnemiesToAbuDabi.com got shut down and three of my employees got arrested for kidnapping. Go figure.
Just start at one and keep your hand out while you do a lap around the coffee table.
As someone who has been firmly single for quite a long time, the idea of doing this is intriguing but oh so terrifying. I hate being vulnerable and I am a very guarded person, so opening myself up like that is kind of a nightmare scenario. The questions are really thought-provoking and interesting though so I can see…
Cantaloupe is fucking gross. Its smell makes me want to vomit.
That is not how you eat a butt. I am a bear. I know these things.
Annie was the Frozen of the 1980s, girl-culturally
even worse - she gave Jenny McCarthy a massive anti-vaccine platform with little or NO opposition.
Don't get me started on the cops.
Action has it's consequences. Just look at the harassment of protesters and the doxxing of people who have been sexually assaulted.
That is a good start but what I would love is for her to shadow me when I'm answering hospital calls for people who are suspected to have been sexually assaulted. Listen as I discuss with them their options. Should they do a kit? Should they report the kit anonymously? What about preventative meds? Plan B? Sit with me…
cc racists and the black people who get killed by them.
Society wants women to courageously fight back against their attackers and be brutalized doing so because it fuels the media machine that is powered by sexualizing violence against women. They'd rather have a dead martyr than a living victim who might say things that hurt their feelings, because that martyr no longer…
I am always more comfortable socializing with people's animals at parties. I can always be found hanging out in the room where they put the cat or dog. I like it there, it's so peaceful.
I wrote this when the criticisms of the video first came out:
What is frustrating to me about this whole debacle is that, once again, a woman's issue is being reframed as a talk about men. Just paragraphs and paragraphs about men and who is harassing and their race and just every possible permutation of that and racism against men of color and white male privilege etc, etc.
Coming from a Catholic family, you got this kind of talk from your elders. Sometimes more graphic. I loved that I finally found a show I could relate to when it comes to being a Mexican brought up in a similar situation. Plus, how could you resist telenovelas?