
I could listen to him talk about history ALL DAY LONG.

I've been listening to his podcasts for years now (his Roman history is amazing and his Blitzes are always thought-provoking), but back in February, on an eight hour road trip got my brother into it too and we listened to the first two episodes of WWI (first installment only covers the first week). Coincidentally, we

They talked about this on the recent NOVA series about animal intelligence. Corvids, dolphins, chimps and elephants all have about the same body/brain size ratio. If you haven't seen it, try tracking it down online. There's a species of corvid in New Zealand that not only makes and uses tools, but groups from

They are in Brooklyn as well. There are colonies of Quaker parrots living in Greenwood Cemetery.

Probably if you just made it worth their while to hang around, you could enjoy them daily without having to own one. Apparently corvids are pretty good at picking out allies and enemies of different species.

That has to be some sort of Japanese robot kitten! The cuteness—it burns!!

There are so many restrictions on pet ownership in apartments that I imagine it affects the per capita ratios.

I literally just got home after attending the funeral of my brilliant uncle who was killed by Alzheimers.

DO NOT TELL ANYONE who does not explicitly need to know (i.e., doctors prescribing medication that might interact with what you're on, a spouse/lover and maybe a trusted family member). I lost dozens of friends when I was diagnosed 20+ years ago, and again recently while going through a particularly bad year,

Yep. One good apple can't redeem the whole truckload of rotten apples. I've only ever been on the "victim" side of a crime equation, not a suspect and I will likely never ever call them again. Fucking useless at best.

Please please please let there be a 24/7 cam that we can watch. The fighting/jerking off/fucking will be endlessly entertaining!


Additionally, we can't assume that people who are claiming the designation "American" are all necessarily of white, European ancestry. If it's an option and it's based on self-reporting, then anybody can select that choice.

I haven't been able to swallow one of those things since Ronald Reagan declared them his favorite candy.

For some reason, about six months after I started my job, there was need of a hammer. My boss went across the street to a fancy stationery store and found a little one that was covered in flowers or something. It served its purpose. However, it keeps ending up in my office. I keep putting it back in my male boss'

I wasn't sure I caught that line in the ad—surely she couldn't have said he'd have some opinion of her cuteness vis a vis saw-using skills. I thought I had misheard (and couldn't be bothered to rewind) it was so dumb. Also, now using math is unmasculine? I thought in the world of this bourbon ad it was considered

Ha! That was my exact thought too!

You can find them in shops in neighborhoods where there are concentrations of people from East/Southeast/South Asia. I was in Jackson Heights yesterday (very high South Asian population) and there are several different brands available. They're imports and the packaging can be kind of shocking to an American who has

I've certainly seen them in markets in South Asian and East/Southeast Asian neighborhoods here in NYC. I was unaware that there was a market for such a product with sub-Saharan African populations as well.

And the fact that she insisted on splitting the tip. She deserved this.