
I am actually scratching your kit's belly on my monitor.

Arrested Development Kitties!!! So love.

Hedy Lamarr, about to be sprung.

I'm sure I could Google it, but if I recall correctly, it sort of sprang up during one of many Intelligent Design/Creationism in the schools pushes in the United States. The idea was that if you were going to teach a creationist story as science, then all such stories should be created equal, including the idea that

I snore so loudly that three men have used it as an excuse to break up with me (I'm a lady-person). If my brothers' snoring is any indications, I'm not surprised.

Plain Greek yogurt mask. OK, any plain yogurt, but the Greek stuff doesn't drip like regular yogurt does. I usually just swipe the stuff that the spoon can't reach with a finger and let it dry, then rinse off. That's beta-hydroxy (lactic) acid right there at about a tenth the cost you'd pay for even a drugstore

It's not so much about making your body look good (whatever that means to you), but finding colors/shapes/cuts that look good on your body. Color can do wonders even when the shape of an item isn't ideal. Here's a trick I use for picking colors—place your hand on the item (or hold it up to your face if there is a

Why oh why can't men understand that "Good morning," or "hello," on its own, not followed by "sexy" or "beautiful" or other evaluative remarks, or a demand for further interaction is so much more attractive than catcalling. Hat-doff or not, I will usually nod or return the greeting if I don't feel like I'm being

You are right. See my response to Piperita.

Yep, you're right. I was trying to convey that in scenarios where a woman, even an "ugly" woman is harassing a guy, he still perceives that he can control the situation—that street harassment is a bizarre form of flirtation, not an assertion of power and dominance. You're correct, I don't think that someone lacking

I ask them to imagine not that a woman is harassing them, but another man (assuming the dude who says, "I'd like it if a woman said those things to me," is straight). I think it gets the power dynamic across a little better. Many straight guys would freak the fuck out if, for the sake of argument, really butch gay

I go there every morning for my coffee. They serve Peet's. It's not that fancy but it's potable. Plus the regular price for the large (only) size hot or iced coffee is $1.50, but if you have a Capital One account, it's only $0.75. Saving $.75 to $2.25 per day on coffee means that my measly little interest-bearing

Yeah, one of the nice things about living in NYC is that tastiness comes in many many flavors. This is like going into Baskin Robins and finding 32 variations on vanilla.

About 18 years ago I was visiting a friend in Italy. I had just gotten off a very long trans-Atlantic flight and was a little dopey from the anti-anxiety pills I had taken for my aerophobia. As I was sitting at the kitchen table, a very enthusiastic young man, his brother, came bounding into the room with a shoebox.

I lived in a squat for a year in tony Islington. We had electricity, water and phone. That was in the 1980s, I don't know what the laws are like now.

I've had it just over a year. I never listened to very loud music, rarely attended loud concerts. The only excessive noise I've been subject to is the subway, twice a day while commuting. It is a living hell. I would have thought that was an exaggeration before I got it, but it is constant and high-pitched and

Your ears will tune up any ambient sound, but trust me, you'd know if you had tinnitus. It doesn't go away.

Trust me, you'll know when you have it. Mine started just over a year ago. There are days when I seriously contemplate killing myself because it is so bad. I've had MRIs, CAT scans, everything. It is bilateral, it is always present (though more obvious when my surroundings are quiet) and it is hellish.

Meh, these guys are immune. Roman Polanski has continued to make films that star American actors and are distributed in the US and he was actually convicted of rape of a minor. It won't hurt him a bit.

Ah, well I hope you're able to find what you're looking for. In the meantime, enjoy your fantasies.