
Gleefully corrected! Thanks. I had no idea.

Maybe they could go an East Asian route and decorate the baby's room like an opium den?

Ironically, almost every new parent I've known in the past two decades has decorated the baby's room with a Winnie The Pooh theme, which is pretty British.

No, I didn't, I'm agreeing with samethingwedoeverynightpinky. I'm saying that *in addition to* the problems that stated regarding referring to Africa as a monolithic wilderness and not the most ethnically and genetically diverse continent, the national borders of Africa are in and of themselves a legacy of colonial

Naming individual countries would be just as problematic as Africa's borders were pretty arbitrarily drawn based on colonial holdings and not traditional, cultural affiliations. This in and of itself has proven to be at the root of a lot of political turmoil that continues even today.

The angle of the join between the colored and the black part leaves me confused.

There are plenty of feminists (including the author of this article) who think that Quinn is full of shit for this. Christine Quinn is not "all feminism" and the OP said "the hypocrisy of feminism" which, by its very syntax, implies all feminists. So yes, there are some women that identify as feminists that don't

Be sure you don't smoke around that straw feminist you're building, the sparks might jump and set you on fire too.

Pretty much nothing. I don't even know if they have to be mirandized because they aren't being arrested, "just" searched. And if you haven't seen any videos of these stop-and-frisk events, they aren't as benign as those three words might suggest. It often consists of grabbing, pushing, twisting and otherwise

I had a discussion yesterday with a colleague who has been victim to stop-and-frisk and we were talking about street safety for people of color and women (over 60% of whom are "of color" in NYC) and how both police harassment and street harassment effectively segregate the city into safe and unsafe areas—that is, some

Eh, he was Irish, so it probably doesn't even count.

(see what I did there—I shamed the guy and employed an ethnic stereotype at the same time! What internet prize do I win?)

Thanks. I think the reason that dresses tend to be strapless is not so much that they are easier to make that way, but they are easier to adjust. The upper bodice—the area bounded by the shoulder, the armscye (arm hole) and the bust point is one of the trickiest places to fit *well*. Sleeves themselves are a pain

I had offered to make my friend's wedding dress, but she thought that was too much of a favor to ask. After about a month of looking for a gown, she came back and asked how difficult it would be to put sleeves on a dress because she could not find a single one with sleeves. Um, not that difficult—certainly not

+1 and bonus +1 for the referencing the greatest line ever mouthed by Matthew McConaughey. a Church of Satan school or Thelemic Academy, grab some popcorn and watch as heads gloriously explode in a display to rival any Fourth of July fireworks celebration.

Here's the thing—I know several people of all genders who are exactly like how she describes herself—just in their own world, working hard and getting stuff done. My brother, for example, has contributed a great deal to computer science (specifically animation and gaming technology), but if you asked him, he'd say he

I try to look at all my experiences as necessary to be where I am today (mostly crappy jobs—fortunately not much in the way of physical abuse), and with a sample size of n=1, it's impossible to predict if I'd be where I am without them. Same for this woman, I'm glad that she's been able to find a positive in an

Up to a point, but in really expensive restaurants (where one might make a couple hundred off a single table), the waitstaff are almost entirely men.

As a narrative device, she sort of does have to come from this privileged background—her character is there to ask the questions that the audience, most of whom have little exposure to the prison system, would ask—to provide exposition. She has to be over-the-top blonde and wide-eyed, slim, pretty and wealthy to