
Sadly, while it *should* be easy to pass the test, most movies don't.

Fixed it.

Thank you! I'm starting to develop an allergy to all the red-herrings tossed about. This is a specific problem and here is a specific solution to that problem. This does not mean that THERE ARE NO OTHER PROBLEMS! FFS, I'm so tired of just about every post on Jez and other Gawker sites degrading into this sort of

Suzanne is the BEST!

Besides buying cookies, how can I support this?

She does exemplify white privilege, but that is a huge part of the show (examining how that privilege functions, etc.) I love this show and I love that the other characters are able to tell their own stories without having the Piper character speak for them. Good for her for not just walking away from the issue when

I follow her on Twitter and I love the mix of personal and political (and I think her relationship with Sudekis is really sweet).

Organic, locally grown, non-GMO straw I assume :-)

Me too on the faux chicken—it seems to be the most "neutral" fake meat. I'm not a huge fan of fake cold-cuts or anything that is flavored like meat (except occasionally sausage, but that's more about the herbs and spices than the meatiness anyway).

I'm a vegetarian and as others have pointed out below, you still need arable land to grow crops to feed livestock, so yeah, taking out a layer is probably an improvement. One animal that might be better, if you're going to eat meat, is goat (depending upon how it is procured), as they are pretty good at converting

If you are in New York City (or have access to the internet) check out my vegan butcher, May Wah on Hester Street. They have every faux meat imaginable and at really reasonable prices. The chicken legs are the best, complete with "skin" and you can fry them with batter and everything. Be careful of the "bone"

When I was younger and hotter I was able to get out of doing dishes by telling men that I thought it was really sexy when they were up to their elbows in soap. The first time I said it was as a joke, but it worked and has worked in several relationships. In addition to getting clean dishes, I usually got pretty good

I'm pretty sure that's what this was for (and it applies to me, a lady, too):

Yeah, but racist mallards are the absolute worst. Privileged green-headed fuckers.

It's not my semi-annual teeth cleaning?

Sell it on Etsy and I'll buy one.

I wish she would insist on being called "Dr. Maddow" the way that Condeleeza Rice always insists on being addressed with her title. She (Maddow) does have a PhD. from Stanford after all.

Oh they'll find a way—there's some trouble in Nigeria with the extremist group Boko Haram, so I'm pretty sure they'll use that as an excuse to stop everyone with darker-than-lily-white skin soon enough.

I hadn't not noticed that as well.

I think the key word here is "clearly."
