
When I worked as a personal trainer I would tell people who told me that they were too self-conscious to go to the gym because of weight/age/inexperience that the reason gyms are covered in mirrors is so everybody can stare at themselves. Seriously, nobody who is actually working out cares, and who cares what the


To be fair, NYC has changed over to "cool roofs"—most buildings now have silvery-white coatings instead of black tarpaper, there has been a multi-year push to plant a "Million trees NYC" (not ironic, I think that's what the plan is actually called) and generally speaking, NYers and urban residents in general have a

Hey Kidz—Auntie Wiremonkey here!

The "I don't care, but other people might" excuse is the lamest cover for bigotry of any kind. If you don't care, then how about let the people who do worry about it and mind your own business?

Ahh! Me too. 1969? 1970? My best friend Sheila had the most AWESOME puffs and I cried for days when my mother explained that my hair just wouldn't do that.

He needs to check his Viking history, because this shit would not have been tolerated by the ladies of the day. (Yes, I know this series is based primarily on myths and legends, but still...)

I'm still waiting for modern medicine or cosmetic science to make this a reality (yes, I had that doll when I was little).

Beautiful all around, but that second picture is a bit awkward—it looks like her hand is jammed into his front pocket.

Not in the least. I also love that Andy finally called him out for the Daily Show's reliance on puns.

I strongly urge you to download the entire archive of The Bugle podcast. It is John Oliver and his comedy partner Andy Zaltzmann. It is so funny that I cannot listen to it while running on the treadmill because I actually fell off at 7 mph from laughing so hard.

Yeah, I'm not trying to convince them one way or the other that one lifestyle is better, in fact, I'm fairly certain that both of them will go on to have children at some point (one is 20, the other 22). They can see that while I have a lot of freedom and no regrets about not reproducing, I'm not out clubbing every

I'm getting to enjoy being an aunt to two terrific young women right now (one is actual niece, the other is niece-like—my cousin's kid). Both my niece and the cousin's offspring have lived with me at various points and one is staying with me now. I'm happy to provide a place to live and some non-parental advice when

Zaftig is a compliment, it means curvy and beautiful and is offered by someone who finds those qualities attractive. Think how one might describe somebody as "slim" or "slender" as opposed to bony or scrawny.

There's no reason she can't do both. If somebody at work assaulted me, I would tell the police, but I'd sure as heck also tell HR.

Now playing

This song was quite popular when I was in college in the 1980s.

Prior to 9/11, the term "ground zero" referred to the detonation point of a nuclear bomb. People (myself included) claimed to prefer to be at ground zero in the event of an attack because death would be instantaneous. It was a real and daily fear.


I've been near him a couple of times in everyday situations and seen him be nothing but humble and polite, even to people asking for a photo or autograph. Friends in comedy say he is A-OK!

I graduated from Penn State. I nearly broke the "unfriend" function on Facebook after the apologists for Sandusky and Joe Paterno came out in force.

Oh yes, I know—I've been through college and grad school and have gotten those same orientations. It just always seemed so stupid to me to go about it that way. A crime is a crime whether it is committed on a city street, a private residence, a college campus or a church.