
Are campuses somehow the legal equivalent of an embassy or consulate, where the local and federal laws don't apply? If a rape, or any other violent crime for that matter happens, it should be reported to the police. Why the hell would you go through a university bureaucracy to redress this?

My brothers and I always refer to the Style section of the New York Times as "the comics."

Do you live in NYC? Sexy clowns would be a vast improvement over the current NYPD. But I agree, he doesn't show good judgement or leadership qualities.

Your grandpa has the best advice.

I always feel like the fallacy in this argument is that we assume that what we call human love is really that different. I don't mean that in a cynical way, but simply that we are pack animals as well and have evolved to communicate our needs, our family bonds and social structure. Love and amity are pleasurable

I've read that separation anxiety in dogs is less "Mom/dad is leaving, who will protect me?" and more "Jesus, the baby is missing, where the hell is s/he?!!" whether an actual baby is involved or not.

Puppies are always a good idea.

You're an anti-dentite!

How about don't blow $40,000 on a wedding if you're broke?

Ugh, right? And the irony is, at my age and economic level, I'm more likely to be a serious customer, to tip better when served, etc. I do NOT miss the catcalls though, that is for dang sure.

We must be polar opposites because I couldn't bear to read any more!

Ha ha! I finally went out with a guy who'd been pursuing me for years only to have him ask me if I were on a diet. I had just had surgery and wasn't eating much, so I told him no, I wasn't. He said, "too bad, because you're so much prettier when you're about 20 pounds lighter." I announced that I was going to lose

Oh, you are not the only person alive who adores Andy's pun runs...I got to see him do "dogs" live and it was *transcendent*. But I also like Chris, so my opinion might not be worth much.

Do not deny yourself the unfiltered glory that will be The Bugle podcast's coverage of this event. For non-Buglers, The Bugle is Jon Oliver and his comedic partner Andy Zaltsmann take on world news—Daily Show-ish, but much much funnier. It is usually released on Friday evening or Saturday morning.

I work about four blocks from this store on Third Avenue. There are actually several Home Depots in New York City. Two in Manhattan that I know of.

This white woman gets asked that by EVERY new person I meet and often by strangers, because I'm vaguely Middle Eastern/South Asian/Mediterranean/Latina/Jewish looking. Italian, Spanish, Indian, Pakistani, Moroccan, Egyptian, Iranian, Afghani, Mexican, etc., etc., etc. In fact, I am primarily Eastern European Jewish,

Seems a bit like cherry picking to single out Manhattan since it is only one of five boroughs of my fair city.

As a NYer, I choose it whenever I can. It's almost single-handedly revived the upstate agricultural (and adjacent) economy, which means more tax revenue for the state, which means less tax burden on us city folks as a whole. Plus, I do actually like the taste of it.

No, I believe you're thinking of a dictatorship. Those are incredibly efficient.

Misappropriating state travel funds to see a prostitute is sort of not cool. Even if it had just been a non-commercial affair, that would have been enough to put me off him. I don't care about anybody's sex life, he could fuck a goat for all I care. Just don't use tax dollars to do so.

I've sort of aged out of being a target demographic. I'm mid-(OK, late) 40s, female, not married and child-free. I live in a city and do not drive. They just do not know how to sell to me. I don't have to contend with feeding/cleaning up after/transporting a family, or correcting my incompetent husband's