
Thanks! I have several piles of clothes sitting in a corner (finally went through my 20+ year wardrobe to cull) because I haven't really known what to do with the stuff. A lot of it is really worn out or stained because I wear my clothes to death, but I knew there had to be a better option than just tossing in the

I've run a couple of marathons and countless half-marathons in the Lynx sportsbra. It's unusual in that it only has a couple of stretch panels, the rest is lightweight non-stretch and that seems to be the key. Super tight stretchy sportsbras cannot control bounce as well.

Ach! I have a knack for dating (like one or two times) guys who feel like they have to break up with me and my response has to be, "were we in a relationship?"

Ahh, I was hoping it was one of Saatchi's prize possessions. It would not have surprised me a bit.

I'm guessing the people calling others "fake geeks" are on par with the second wave of young gentrifiers in a formerly-economically-depressed-but-now-hip neighborhood screaming about the third wave of gentrifiers destroying the area. Most of the geeks I went to school with in the 1970s and 1980s could not possibly

I've got anchor family in Vancouver. My Brooklyn-born niece texts me every day with the words, "move here."

Yep. This right here.

Also during any of the four seasons we get. I imagine rain would make a difference, as would snow, which can restrict or block some outlets. While I'm sure they'll never give away too many details, this is a fascinating study! The fact that it freaks out conspiracy theorists is just a delightful cherry on top.

Odorless? Why not make it smell like maple syrup? Or do they only do that in New Jersey?

Check the Bechdel Test for evaluating a movie's treatment/use of women. It works pretty well for people of color too. I haven't seen a movie in the cinema for ages—I'm completely bored with men telling stories about how awesome/horrible men are. I'm white and female and I can't imagine how much more tedious this is

Yup, I'd love to have a big party, but I literally have nightmares from which I wake up screaming, about being married.

Why empty the cream container? Just start shaking the box and you'll have butter eventually. No buttery jar to clean up.

I like that they have a color scheme for their pets (note dog in background). I have two little black kittens and they are hilariously persistant. They're starting to get pretty good actually, and when they play-fight (no claws out), it's more fun than watching a '70s era kung fu flick.

Is that a metric fuckton or an American short fuckton?

My understanding is that, besides the ethics (which should disqualify the results of the experiments), they were just bad science a lot of the time, lacking controls, repeatability, etc.

Best of luck to them! It looks like their future is full of fun and love.

Please do not let him read the comments here. People are assholes.

Oh jeez, I'm not the only one who has listened to hundreds of hours of Ricky, Karl and the dreamy S'merch whilst drifting off to sleep? Is there a meetup? I felt so in-the-know when the Ricky Gervais Show came to HBO and everyone was like, "is that Karl fella for real?"

As a New Yorker, I hear ya. Giuliani was "great" after 9/11. No, he did what any political leader would be expected to do. Same with Christie. We're supposed to be surprised that he actually did what he had to do to get aid for his state. It is the bare MINIMUM.

I had the same problem when I moved to the Midwest for graduate school. Coming from Brooklyn, I was so used to people just telling me what was on their mind (and not being offended by it—it's faster and avoids confusion), that I was totally gobsmacked to discover what I had mistaken for friendly overtures was

Aralyn and Izzy! Reminds me of my then 3 year old niece in her stroller belting out Paint It Black, but having changed the color to pink.