
They're dog mermaids.

While I harbor no ill-will to Mr. Cera, I do suffer from what is clinically known as "Heigl Rage", so I feel ya.

My love for Smerch is un-overestimable.

I just picked up two kittens from the shelter last night and got about 3 hours of sleep because I could not stop marveling at how tiny and soft and purr-y and cute they are.

The only thing I have to say about your costume is, fuck yeah! You got the seaming right!! Had I seen this in person I probably would have just pestered you about design and construction tips.

An African friend and I had a really long, honest conversation about hair not long ago (I'm white, have curly hair). She's a good friend and we gave each other permission to ask/say anything, so this is not a case of a stranger accosting another stranger and poking them. Context for the conversation: we were

I've experienced the three different sizes on top as well. While teaching a tall, slender, small-boobed friend to sew we made a fitting shell and I was amazed that her back was two sizes bigger than her front. It made me look at the human body in a whole different way, but actually making that adjustment has made

Can I hear a cheer for the FBA! (full bust adjustment one makes to patterns if you are over a B-cup).

I find bad, lazy comedy offensive and shock for it's own sake is lazy and not funny. I was lucky enough to take classes at Upright Citizens Brigade when Amy Pohler was still teaching there and she and the other instructors really discouraged students from "going blue" or relying on cliche sexist tropes because it is

I usually answer any questions about scars/cuts/bruises with the cryptic reply "gang initiation."

A dog, cat, heck, even a hamster is probably the only sentient being that these women have daily contact with that treat them as valuable people and that love them unconditionally. I don't think anybody should underestimate how vital that is to these women's recovery.

LOL "Evolutionary psychologist." Bitter because he gets no respect from either evolutionary biologists (you know, the ones that use actual evidence-based science) or psychologists (who know that what people have actually adapted their behavior since the late paleolithic era.)

My dog hates contrast-y men. He's OK with most women, OK with dark-skinned African American men and blonde, white men, but Asian, fair Latino or Caucasian men with dark hair, he would flip the fuck out. He was a rescue and he was four when I got him. He's fourteen now and mostly blind, so he doesn't react to much

It could have been the hat. Some dogs are really freaked out by hats.

When my house burned to the ground when I was in college, I couldn't believe the number of people who declared me "lucky" because I was able to get out without injury. No, if I were lucky, I'd have lived next door.

Best of luck to her, she's lovely! She handled that with grace and humor—way to represent the non-believers!

I hired my cousin's 22-year-old kid. She's got tattoo sleeves and some pretty dramatic makeup, but also an incredibly good sense of tweaking a wardrobe to fit a personality and not the other way around. I am teaching her to sew as she prepares to go to fashion school. Technically, I'm a good seamstress, but a

And you can make it FIT! I have been super busy and have actually bought a couple of button-downs lately and am really annoyed by how they pull across my chest—a problem easily solved with an FBA when I make blouses myself.

"The world is passing through troublous times. The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as if they knew everything, and what passes for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. As for the girls, they are