
LOVE Dr. Jonathan Fass—his Strength of Evidence podcast is fantastic. It is mostly aimed at fitness professionals, but anybody who is interested in exercise physiology would benefit from a listen. Episode one is one of the best introductions to evaluating published research or science journalism.

Don't forget to put an onion on your belt, which was the style at the time!

Keep on keepin' on Mama June!

So, martial arts = marital arts?

Icelandics are awesome and fluffy. I've been to Iceland several times and make a point to ride every time I go. Nothing is more hilarious than watching a 6'8" Scandinavian ride one. Their feet practically drag on the ground. Also, whoever invented/discovered the tölt is a genius! My only complaint is their

When you run out of cat videos, the Hubble image gallery is always a good place to waste a few hours. Heck, your tax dollars paid for it (if you are American and you pay taxes), might as well enjoy it.

Oooh ooh! Crafty Wizards and Giant Lizards!

Are you a party planner? Please tell me you are a party planner...I want one of those parties.

Cats obviously have some magical mind control abilities that tell all other creatures to scritch (I spelled that right) them behind the ears and under the chin.

I find that if the words, "you're so strong" slip past a man's mouth within the first month of meeting/dating him, the relationship is doomed. In my experience, it signals that should you show any weakness or vulnerability, you'll be left standing on your own at a time when you need somebody the most. Better to be

I'm just not seeing where people are getting that he thinks he's "owed" a date. He'd like a relationship and seems to understand that there are aspects of his neurological makeup that not everyone is comfortable around. Sounds like he's just looking for help in meeting women and hopefully one with whom he's

I've seen that look on my dog's face. That look says, "I'm going to poop on your shoes later for this." Mr. President, please check your shoes before putting them on.

Please please please do not let the format change!! I am totally down with Up With Chris Hayes. He actually has real *thoughtful* people from opposing sides without creating false balance, and they manage to keep ad hominem attacks to a minimum. I also like that the show doesn't just jump on whatever was in the

When I had my "event", I broke up with my best friend who helped me because I couldn't deal with needing somebody/being such a burden on somebody else. Fortunately, she'd dealt with this before and gave me my space. About a month later I called her to apologize for being a jerk after she saved my life. She was

Gen X-er here. I've got some young Millenial relatives that have moved to my city recently and the only thing that resembles advice that I gave them is that they will likely be working in an industry that doesn't even exist yet when they get to be my age. When Gen-X was first labeled and fretted over, the internet

I blame Tom Hanks

Yep, I wasn't trying to poo-poo your comment, just that a lot of things that seem to happen "overnight" are really built on years, if not decades of hard work, which is why it is important to keep up the work (e.g., women's equality, universal healthcare, etc), even if it feels like you're pounding your head against a

I wonder why they don't post warnings like they do for nut allergies. I often notice a statement on food that says it was produced in a facility that handles ground nuts (like peanuts) or soy, even if the product itself doesn't contain those foods. Is that a government regulation or just an industry standard?

If by "short time" you mean 25 or so years, then yes. But you're right, we do seem to have reached a tipping point, and that's fantastic. Not least of which because my stunningly cool cousin will soon be marrying her girlfriend in Washington state in what promises to be the wedding of the century.

Pretty much how most religions treat men as well—cover up or blame the ladies because men are too weak to control themselves.