
The pen is mightier than the Bushmaster Rifle?

You know what would totally stop terrorism and hijackings? If everybody on a plane had a gun.

Seems to me that the best use of stem cells is to seed biological scaffolding then prompt them to make the organ/tissue you want outside of the body (see bladder, kidney, bone, cartiledge) THEN implant it in the patient. I'm pretty sure once the cells know what they want to be when they grow up, the risk is a bit

Not only do we need politicians like him right now, we need scientists like him too.

Which nature and evolution determined was best for them because, you know, they exist. We breathe in plant poop. It's called Oxygen.

Thanks. Appreciated.

This is horrifying to the point of being nauseating.

Haha, my dog and I do that all the time—he loves going up to the mirror and staring in it, then making eye contact with me, on the sofa several feet behind him. Once I acknowledge him with a little wave or a smile, he turns around and trots over. I doubt he quite understands that the adorable black fluffwad staring

The study compares the two populations.

To be fair, Earth wasn't all that Earth-like (meaning, "habitable by humans") for the first few billion years, but aerobic life forms did eventually take over.

Cert. DENIED! (I always imagine a steel-door-slamming sound with that).

Lindy, I'm the second of five children born at almost exactly 18 month intervals raised by a single mom. I too cannot stand to hang out with people (any people, even my favorite people) for more than a couple of hours without as you so beautifully put it, "feeling like I was going to crumble into dust and blow away

Saw the same thing happen when my niece was raped. Because she was a minor at the time, she was in the pediatric ward of the hospital. When the NYPD showed up THREE hours later, they basically put her through the same thing, and then, since I was her legal guardian at the time, asked me whether or not I thought

I hear ya. I'm so jealous of the future.

OK science, can we get on with that cloning program because the world needs about a million more Hugh Jackmans.

My guess is that this judge has raped more than one woman in his life and has been justifying it ever since.

Yep. That's how they catch if from each other too. Apparently lizards and snakes as well (learned from my 11 year old niece who owns both).

No love for Phil Plait?

Throw in " Patrick Harris and my head will explode.

Weren't mermaids originally considered scary monsters?