
I like the Lynx sport bra. 36DD marathoner here.

Yep, I have a parrot at home and was pleasantly surprised by how easily bird poop cleans up. Water is pretty much all you need.

Good point.

Most of my friends look silly with the tattoos of things they thought were cool in their 20s (25 year ago) and are either getting them removed or done over.

I like that included in the bunch is one in which a man says he listens when a guy says no, because rape is rape, no matter who is getting raped.

Add some buckram to that bottom piece to give it a little more body and boffo!

I'm sure Temple Grandin would be on board with this. That kind of squeeze is great for lowering blood pressure, reducing anxiety, etc. It may not be pretty, but I could see it being really helpful to a lot of people.

I know! I sometimes tuned in just to see what japery the background radiation from the big bang was up to. Now I can only watch The Big Bang Theory. Not the same.

I am going to spend the rest of the afternoon designing a public information sticker:

This all sounds great—I was lucky enough to be in a school district that required both shop and home ec for boys and girls. 35 years later, I still have the scar on my thumb from a careless bandsaw accident.

The promise of free towels at all swimming pools is no small thing—two things Icelanders are obsessed with (based on my vacationing there four times) are tiny horses and swimming in geothermally heated pools all year round.

Same could be said of NYC, sadly.

Donna Haraway agrees from 1985.

I think there was an episode of Radiolab that talked about this recently.

These pictures make my heart happy and sad at the same time. Happy to be alive in the universe, sad that I am trapped in such a small speck of it.

Ach! My feelings exactly. Stop showing me tourist photos of beautiful exotic locales that I will NEVER be able to go to!!

I was having this conversation with someone the other day. I've been battling depression almost my whole life, though most who meet me see me as cheerful and enthusiastic, which is an exhausting way to live. When I meet others who seem the same way (very outgoing, friendly, cheerful) I can often tell that they are

Holy crap this has made my Friday!!

Yes to all of this!!

Wait a minute here, before we pass judgement, do we have a description of what she was wearing or whether she had been drinking?