
My darling niece, after surviving stranger-rape a couple of years ago (when she was a teenager), told me the other day that when she and her boyfriend were standing in line outside a club, some total stranger slipped his hand up her skirt. She had a full-on panic attack and had to go to the hospital.

And yet I still manage to pay my mortgage, hold down a job and care for my elderly mother, all the while occasionally enjoying an episode of My Little Pony, or painting my toenails teal, and without exploding in a whirlwind of glitter and frosting.

It's not women that have made this rule. Feminists are pushing for women to be allowed in combat roles, as they inevitably end up as casualties even when in so-called non-combat roles. It is the old men in the pentagon (or, more likely, civilian lawmakers) who have blocked women's entry into combat.

No no no. Sun not scary and angry. Sun give breakfast!

Per the post: "This "long filament of solar material," as NASA calls it, was spotted tearing away from the Sun at upwards of 900 miles per second. Yes, per second; "

I'm heartbroken that this will probably reach human trials too late for my dear uncle.

A tampon is one of the handiest things you can have in an emergency kit. And not just for lady emergencies.

Her "one world" comment is easy—she is whistling to the conspiracy teabaggers who think that Obama is controlled by the Illuminati and the New World Order and Mega-bankers and trying to implement a One World Goverment. Her pretending to pull that phrase out of the air is making my teeth itch.

Thank you. Considering it is the "developed" countries which are draining African resources, I hardly think anybody with access to the internet should be making these comments. How about stop eating five times what you need and consuming 95% of the world's resources and maybe "overpopulation" wouldn't be such a

Google the symptoms for Lyme disease and get to the doctor. If you're lucky, it's not Lyme and you've gotten a checkup. If not, you can start treatment earlier rather than later.

I'd buy it.

Ooh, thanks for the link! I knew that female babies were less "resource-intensive" and more likely to survive gestation, birth and early childhood. It totally makes sense that the condition of the mother (i.e., the gestational "environment") would have such a large impact. One could argue, on this point, that it

Female fetuses are hardier and females in general are less prone to birth defects and more likely to survive early years because we've got that nifty second "X" chromosome to counter any mutations that might occur on the first. That is why in times of stress, one is more likely to have a female child. Males,

Cue the press now calling this "controversial" and "balancing" the discussion with one whackjob and one actual science-based doctor (see also: global warming, evolution, vaccination), thus confusing the public into thinking there is actually a controversy.

N.K. Jemisin, I know how you feel...I graduated from Penn State.

Cheer up, you get Hillary!

Right? There is absolutely nothing surprising about this. Most structures in nature conform to it in one way or another, probably why it is perceived as "beautiful."

There has been a crop of especially delicious watermelon this season. My dog agrees.

My brother always corrects my sister-in-law when she asks him to "babysit" his kids. "I don't think it is possible to babysit one's own children...unless there's something you're not telling me."

Mine too! Every time I'm eating veggies or fruit, he'll beg and beg until I give him a bit (I always check to make sure they're safe for canine consumption). He'll spit it out, and come back, probably thinking, "yeah, give me the good stuff you're eating."