
At :38, when he puts his whole mouth around it. :-D

V.S. "Ram" Ramachandran might help...I'm assuming he was involved in this research. He did invent the mirror box

My reward for rescuing a kitten—five vials of rabies shots in my butt and three weeks of follow up injections. They are masters of life and death, which is why we built the internet to appease them.

You need to hit the Google, stat—she was the creator of The Daily Show and pretty much discovered Rachel Maddow (did a show with her on Air America) and she's feminist and she's funny and she's awesome.

When I see a puffy face, my first thought is corticosteroids, which means some pretty serious health problem (see: Ashly Judd). To the degree that I care, which isn't much, I hope she's OK.

I noticed that too during the parade of nations or whatever they call it. Sizzzzzzle.

If you're noticing an athlete's hair while watching a competition then you're doing it wrong.

My cousin's kids recently moved to NYC and as the senior relative here (I'm Gen X), I try to assist when I can, including teaching the girl to sew. They are bright and hard-working kids and it sucks that they are making today what I was making in 1989. I actually expect some extraordinary things from this generation

Yeah, I got the full round because I had been bitten by a feral kitten which could not be located later (I handed it off to someone and didn't get her info). The doctor said that even though there hadn't been a case of feline rabies in NYC in 20 years, and there is only a .00001% that I'd get the disease, if I DID

In my experience, morning gym people (if you're going to a gym) are a lot less obnoxious than late-day folks; this helps me get there in the morning so I don't have to go after work.

I had to get a round of rabies shots after rescuing a kitten. Now I feel like I should use my immunity for good (rescuing raccoons, bats, squirrels, etc.). According to the doctors, I should have lifelong immunity. Also, the shots are not as bad as they are made out to be. Butt cheeks and upper arm, not belly

I am soooo going to make one like that when I get home tonight! I've even got some linen on hand.

Yep, I competed in powerlifting briefly, then tried my hand at Oly lifts. They scare the crap out of me! Everything has to be p-e-r-f-e-c-t-l-y timed.

Fortunately, the SSA does NOT fuck around. They've been down this road several times and their legal team knows what it is doing.

Have you ever noticed that on just about every other Gawker site, whenever there is anything posted that might have something to do with women's health, safety or rights, some asshole will immediately post something ridiculous and then claim that it is what the Jezzies would say, and yet you never see Jezzies making

At my competitive best (competing at 164), I'd have been looking over my shoulder at this kid. Nowadays she could easily smoosh me. Between her and Ashima the rock-climbing prodigy, the future of women in non-traditional sports is looking awesome.

I've seen a few suggestions for Enell bras, which are awesome, but I'd also like to recommend Lynx. They are super lightweight and designed for us bodacious boobed ladies. I'm a D+. I use the Enell for marathons, but for anything shorter than 18 miles, I like the Lynx. It's a little easier to get into as well. I

I also recommend Lynx sportsbras. I picked one up before the More Half Marathon and my boobs have been thanking me ever since. I like my Enell too, especially for marathons, but the Lynx is super lightweight and a little easier to get into. Plus! Made in America!

This sounds like it has awesome medical and terrifying privacy implications. Could we combine the two? Maybe they could stop you and suggest you get that lump checked out when you get home, or let you know what sex the baby you didn't even know you were going to have yet is.

Puhleez! When my 17 year old niece was *actually* raped, it took the cops 3 hours to show up at the hospital, and then they asked me if I thought she had consented but just regretted it afterwards?