
Came on here to say the same thing—the fact that they are openly saying that this will, in fact, improve their profitability by allowing them to hire the right people regardless of sexuality or gender identification and work with organizations that promote equality is nothing but good news as far as I can tell. JC

Why are women not forced to go through all this crap when deciding *to* have a baby. Surely, the decision to bring a person into this world has life-long implications as well.

Absolutely roly-poly adorable!

But do they have screen whistles for posting comments on blogs?

The only man allowed to instruct me on how to act like a lady is Senator RuPaul.

Can we nominate a Concept of the Day?

I wonder what was on the label of the powder and blush this dude used. Did he have to sneak Martha's Too Faced?

Yep, bra and bra straps are clearly visible.

I grew up near the ocean and I really couldn't bring myself to jump into the lakes of Wisconsin when I was in grad school there—the plants underneath just sort of freaked me out and the lack of waves seemed weird too. I know this is entirely a coastal bias and that lake water is just fine, but I just couldn't get

Both shop and home ec were required when I was in junior high, but I can't recall if so in high school. I still have an awesome scar on my right thumb from a band saw accident. I think both courses should be mandatory at least for one class each so that people can learn how to do the basics, like hem a pair of

Oh hey, just like how I eat cake!

When I taught ESL (in NYC), it was always amusing to me to hear non-native speakers talk with both their native accent and the accent from where they first studied English. I had a Korean woman who spoke with an Irish accent and a Japanese guy who spent some time at Southern Methodist University and had a drawl that


What about pith helmets? Or is that just archaelogists?

Now if only they would go after all theists who pull this shit on society at large (cough cough anti-choice legislation, equal marriage opposition, evolution- and climate-science denial, cough cough), we might be making progress.

It's always the same.

To be clear, there is a distinction. One is a giant douche and the other is a turd sandwich.

What about my 2nd Amendment rights? I have the right to bear arms and I choose tiger and shark!

Double-plus one. These stories rarely end well, especially for the animal.

Wow, I really like Molly Ringwald's hair like that.