
Or, you know, we could click the link to the actual product page. Turns out that they will be packaged in little snap and squeeze sachets, that they are marketing to corporate clients with the donation with purchase model (e.g., Tom's shoes) and they are addressing a need in poor, water-starved areas. It's not "just

Actually, the homosexuality question might really be explained by the mother hypothesis. Some studies suggest that the female relatives of gay men are more prolific than others, so the "gay gene" (or collection of genes) gets passed along with the genes that make their sisters more reproductively viable. From the

That I know of...of course, like most PP patients I MUST have been a booze-addled, drugged-up slutbag, so who knows?

Why does it always have to be all or nothing? I use both a cheap little local gym and the great outdoors. On days when I want to really push my running speed to the absolute limit, I'll run a treadmill (no tracks nearby). My gym is across the street from my apartment, so I can go until I am spent or hurling and

Have you heard of the app Zombies Run! It's on iOS and I think they just released the Android version. It's really fun—you have narrators describing the post-zombie-apocalypse scene around you while you run to pick up supplies for the village. Occassionally you'll be instructed to pick up the pace because zombies

God, that Yvette Wilson news is so tragic—mostly because with regular screening and proper *available*, *affordable* reproductive healthcare, it is highly survivable when caught early enough.

Most, but not all of my friends were male when I was younger, but mostly nerdy weirdo guys. I grew up with three brothers (none of whom are dudebros) and I was just around boys a lot more than girls. I have a select group of people I call friends now, most of them are women who were also "only girls." Sadly, it has

Covetous? It's sort of a synonym for jealousy, but I tend to think it is more about the object than the possessor of the object.

Best Kenneth 30 Rock quote of the season:

Isn't being out of your 20's great? It's like you finally pull your head out of your ass and look up and go, "oh, *that's* where sunshine comes from." I would punch my 20-something self in the neck if I ran into her today.

Duh, we have mass because without it energy divided by the speed of light squared would be meaningless.

I would like the platform shoes hanging to the right of the boots on the shoemaker's costume, thanks.

Now playing

Just wait for Karl to show up—world's greatest superhero.

She should move to New York City—I think there may be laws against shopping without a dog by your side in some of the more upscale stores.

Not necessarily frenetic behavior. Mass hysteria just means "Spontaneous, en masse development of identical physical or emotional symptoms among a group of individuals, as in a classroom of schoolchildren." (from a medical dictionary). This could include catatonia or fugue states as well.

My boss and I throw these lines at each other all the time. LOVE that movie. Now where is my stapler?

I love you forever for introducing me to this series!!

Rihanna is a modern day Helen of Troy.

Well, they probably should. I would hope that there would be a full background check on anybody joining an elite military group. Someone unable to overcome his criminal urges, whatever they may be, probably isn't so great for "unit cohesion".

Me too. I run to keep the crazy away. Sometimes it catches up and I have to run faster.