
Not the only one.

The bigger problem with this (as with keratin treatments, nail products, etc.) isn't for the customer who is exposed only occassionally, but for the salon workers who are inhaling this stuff all day long.

It's not the use of the term human trafficking, but prostitution that I object to. I totally agree with you.

No, they actually raped the girls.

It's pretty much the difference between choosing to have sex and being raped. I wish that stories about "human trafficking" would call the crime rape and the "johns" rapists, because that is what they are. The word prostitution covers far too much territory from, like you said, self-employed sex worker to kindnap

Wha?! Bitch stole my look?

Actually, not to make light of autism, but didn't Temple Grandin say that she felt she could understand animals better because of her autism?

I wonder if there is an analog to autism in dogs? Mine has no particular response to any emotional state I might be in. It's always, "Can I have a cookie?"

Yep. I love how uncritically "data" such as, "the human genome hasn't evolved much in 120,000 years" are thrown around with no citation. The human genome, like every living creature's genome, is constantly evolving. Like you mention—lactose tolerance has evolved on at least two separate occassions and in vastly

That's ridiculous. Everyone knows that bears fought with the Allies:

Hardly new—these were pretty common in medieval times (called foundling wheels) up through the 19th century—almost a thousand years.

I was left at the Bronx Zoo. Not nearly as awesome as one would think. I was discovered when there was an extra bagel after the rest were distributed.

scrolled to find this comment or similar. I knew I couldn't be the only one whose mind where "there" immediately.

Oh how I do love that film! I spent many an hour in the Anthony Michael Study Hall.

Why not sewing? Repairing and altering ready-to-wear clothing is pretty useful. Being able to clothe yourself well and inexpensively is a pretty good life skill to have. I refuse to sew a button or hem something for someone, but I'm always more than happy to show them how to do it themselves.

There is more genetic variation within the African continent because the human population has been in place longer there. I don't know how this would translate to African Americans who can trace their ancestry to the slave trade. Slaves were taken from a relatively small popluation in western Africa, which would

I'm weirdly proud of the fact that my resting heart rate is between 48 and 52 and my bloodwork is always picture perfect. According to my bmi, I'm overweight.

Could we please stop assuming that the only benefit from exercising is weight-related? Cardiovascular, neurological, muscle and skeletal systems all function better when regular exercise is part of one's daily habits. How much volume you take up is only one fraction of each person's portrait of health.

Double plus one.

I've often thought the same thing—sort of like the flag raising over Iwo Jima type statue, but with all manner of heroic lab animals.