
Thanks! As an atheist and a skeptic, believers often suggest that I'm missing out on the "magic" of life because I don't give in to superstition. There is so much awesome and mystery in the universe to be discovered I find myths and woo a pale comparison.

And I am now stealing "I've read that in science magazines, like the Bible..."

Because when any member of a group does something shitty, other members of that group have to call them out for it or expect to be considered complicit. We (the privileged) get our collective panties in a twist if the ethnic/religious community to which a terrorist is associated does not immediately condemn his

One of the things that I came to terms with years ago (I'm in my mid-40s in case that makes a difference), is that we are, in fact, eternal. I'm an atheist, so I'm not talking about an eternal soul, but the very elements of our bodies, the electrons, the protons and sub-atomic particles have been around since (just

This documentary takes place literally steps away from where I live in Queens. Like the documentary says, when they "cleaned up" Times Square, all it did was force the industry to Queens. On my 20 minute commute home I pass four gentlemen's clubs on Queens Blvd, and those are probably "legit" in that the women

I think all babies remind all mammals of their own children—you can see other animals being really protective of human babies in a way they would not be with older humans. I recall seeing a story or video of a small child falling into a gorilla enclosure and the matriarch of the group protecting it until a keeper

When my very-slow-to-anger brother was in college in NYC, he had very long hair and was wearing a long coat (it was the '80s) and a mugger must have been super high to mistake him for a woman. He had had a really crappy day and it was about 2 in the morning. Guy comes up behind him, sticks something in his back,

And I read "bath house" and thought, "so what?"

In defense of the existence of mosquitos—they are significant biomass and both larvae and adults are necessary in aquatic and avian food chains.

I was just thinking the same thing.

The Schmidt character took over the show about halfway through the season, which is why the show is watchable.

My friend's blog addresses this ad from another perspective:

It's also creepy as hell when it is obvious. And it is usually obvious.

While the attitude of Brown and Drake is repulsive, the actual Ebony article is pretty good, taking them to task for their behavior. I recommend reading the actual story.

and you learned this from where? Television, movies?

I see those fajas all over the place in Queens! They look so uncomfortable and fetishy. I like the one with the butt cheek holes. I imagine they just give the wearer weird circular panty-lines on her behind.

Yeah, I know, plus livestock farms upstream contribute too. I'm also not allowed to donate blood because I lived in the UK in the 1980s, even though I never ate meat, mad cow may be transmissable via vegetables.

And once again, 33 years of vegetarianism saves my sanity.

so then...hilarious!

Here's a solution: Kick Our Lady of Sorrows out of the league altogether. Then you can go ahead and have championships with actual champions.