
OK, I think I figured out the reason they hate denim jeans:

Let's hope the Supreme Court feels the same way about states' legislating civil rights as they do about states legislating gun ownership:

Try this as a better example: Pass a law restricting gun ownership and they will be all up in your grill about how you can't vote somebody's rights away.

Hopefully they'll feel the same shock and incomprehension that I remember feeling when we learned about slavery and the Civil Rights movement (which had been in full bloom when I was born) or the holocaust. "But why?" I kept asking my mom and she couldn't come up with an answer either.

Marry me.

If you have the DVDs, skip to episode 210. The supernatural aspects didn't really kick in until then. Jonathan Fird is a melodrama genius (he plays the original Barnabas) and he certainly doesn't run around humping everyone or blabbing on about his "condition." Instead he hypnotizes them, locks them in dungeons

Just watch the original series—160 episodes on Netflix or 1200+ on DVD. It is awesome in its unintentional campiness and the fashions are so much better than on Mad Men (plus, they are supplied by Orbachs!).

Give me Pat Kiernan and Soterios Johnson any day.

I blame JC Penny and Joe Biden for Obama's statement. And by "blame" I mean "give props to." Seriously, if you're lagging behind JC Penny on teh gay, you're a little behind the times.

I'm a vegetarian and I find this kind of concern-trolling obnoxious. Eat whatever the hell you want Mr. President (just don't take those ground-up baby pills I keep seeing on the shouting news).

Damn allergies making my eyes all watery.

I always just figured it was a sort of Mayan Y2K type problem. Just get a few hierogyphists in there to tack a "1" at the beginning and we're good to go.

I secretly suspect that One Million Moms and American Family Association are a cleverly disguised marketing and PR firm that "target" companies because from what I've read, pretty much everybody they've gone after has benifitted from the publicity.

I emailed them to thank them for standing up for human rights and for portraying America in all its glorious diversity. I received a response within a couple of hours saying it was all part of their policy of treating everybody fair and square (which is also their part of their advertising campaign). So, good for

It's a private institution, not supported by tax-payer money. If they want to enroll only red-headed Japanese bocce players I would not be bothered.

But we've observed similar behavior in other social animals as well. I guess I worded the original comment poorly. I'm not trying to assert that we don't feel what we feel, but whether it is so qualitatively different from what other social animals experience. Similar behavior re: non-kin bonds has been observed

I originally put this in as a response, but I'm self-promoting because some of the comments below have me steaming mad.

I don't know, ask the guy who raped my niece. Oh, you can't, he wasn't caught. She had to take this drug for ten weeks afterwards until they could determine that she wasn't infected.

My niece had to take something for several weeks after she was raped a couple of years ago in order to prevent developing (?) HIV. Would this have been it? I don't know if it was the morning-after pill that she had to take or this medication that made her quite sick for a few days until she got used to it. She had

I'm waiting for the day when we realize that everything we call human "emotion" is really just survival response for food or mating. I'm not talking about the highly speculative and problematic evolutionary psychology, but the stimulus response type of behavior that we as a species assume we are exempt from but the