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I think Laura Dern would like a word with you.

There is a moment when you realize you are an adult, and the shift that comes with the second watching of films often signals it.

I still have a sneaking suspicion that the One Million Moms is really part of the marketing campaign in and of itself. I mean, seriously, there are people who still think this way? If I were coming up with a campaign for anything, I'd invent a group of dunderheads and extremists to "oppose" my thing, thus ensuring

LOL! I don't own a Quaker person, but I do lease a couple of Mennonites.

Wow, JC Penny's ad/marketing folks are definitely earning their fee! Who woulda thunk that what has been, for decades, the embodiment of boring, lower-middle-class, blah-wear that most fashionable people wouldn't drive within a half mile of has now become the hip place to vote with your dollars!

I have a Quaker like the one in the video, Rodan, and a dog, Hank, and yeah, they squabble all the time, though the bird usually wins because he's about 7 feet higher up than the dog. I don't know that I'd/he'd let the dog get this close to him. It's pretty hilarious when I have to scold my Hank and Rodan chimes in

Yep, started the Fifth Avenue Mile one year with my phone in the little back pocket of my tights and had to stop—during a one mile run!—to take it out and finish the race with my phone in my hand. No hate for lululemon if they're providing a product nobody else is.

Love it! I wrap everything in a plastic ziplock, then a little washcloth-sized towel and use the pocket god gave me when I go running (also helps reduce bounce). Why waste good space? Phone in running tights pocket is the worst; you spend all your time hiking up your leggings instead of kicking ass.

I would watch the hell out of a video about how to have a happy relationship with your cat for, lets say 15 years. DO IT.

Well, she is closer to Sally's age than to Don's and culturally, they are more or less part of the same generation.

Ahhh, good to know, thanks!

What bugged me was that it wasn't the doctor asking, it was the receptionist. At least with the doctor, there are ethical requirements of confidentiality. I don't think that front-desk folks have any such requirement. I'm not impugning the receptionists' ethics, but there is force of law behind my relationship with

During my last doctor's visit the receptionist said she had to ask me some questions so that the insurance could go through, including marital status and religion. At first I said I couldn't imagine that the religion question was even legal, but she showed me that the program wouldn't let her go past without

VERY cool. I've been wanting to play around with eeg elements, but not really sure how to incorporate them into clothing. Awesome work!

I live with a dog and a bird. Lazy fuckers don't contribute anything either financially or toward housework.

Dogs are not actually a very significant disease vector for humans, so not a big deal. Birds, on the other hand...

Werd. Also, it helps protect children that may be too young for vaccination if you come into contact with them subsequent to exposure.

I live in Queens, the most ethnically diverse piece of real estate on THE PLANET and all you ever see on television are working-class white dudes a la Archie Bunker. Ugly Betty's family scenes were in Queens, but that's about the only example I can think of that shows POC's as average residents of the borough.

I was raised Catholic and had a similar discussion with my mother—while pro-choice, I always knew that if I were to become pregnant, I'd have the support of my family and would actually be able to make a *choice*. Fortunately (in this regard), I was a total loser in high school and never dated until well into my

How many horses had to starve to build those straw feminists the NYDN author argues against?