
Experience taught me that using henna on gray hair, even so-called brown henna, will turn that grey hair bright orange. I love seeing all the old dudes in Jackson Heights with their orange beards. It has to be a thing because it is really common. Jackson Heights has a really large South Asian community, for those

Does anybody really look at anything but the pictures anyway?

Well, there was the discussion about the Hi Fi sounding like there was a little orchestra inside and how that would be a great sci-fi storyline, so there's that.

When I was on crutches a few years back, I tried walking my dog on the treadmill in our apartment building's basement. He took three steps, sat down and plopped off the back of the treadmill. Before anybody freaks out, it was set to a really low speed and he was not hurt at all. It was pretty funny though.

Have you checked out the Fleetly app (also online for non-smartphone folks). They have a bunch of challenges for various levels, plus you can create your own. I have challenged myself to run 1,000 miles this year. It is really motivating to see the numbers add up and also keeps me from getting too lazy for too long

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I run to keep the crazy away. It works. Mostly.


It would be like Game of Thrones, if all the Clinton conspiracy theories are to be believed. What was their bodycount? I lost track.

The term is "poe" and it refers to the fact that it is almost impossible to distinguish satire of fundamentalist rhetoric and actual fundamentalist rhetoric.

So many studies have been done with regards to exercise and mental health—do a search on it, it really is that "magic pill" we've all been looking for.

Even if you hate exercise, you should be able to find something that you like to do that involves moving your body. A friend of mine moved abroad and took up bicycling. This is a woman who was morbidly obese (well over 300 pounds). We stay in touch mostly through facebook and she posts pictures all the time from

Can I just say, "Get well soon!" If whatever she has requires steroids, it is no joke.

You're probably only seeing those women because those are the women whom journalists/editors seek out for opinions.

I read recently that the ability to digest milk, called lactase persistance, has evolved twice, each in independent populations—Africa and Northern Europe—and fairly recently at that. Estimates put it within the last 7,000 to 10,000 years. In fact, the advantage it gave to those who had it was enormous, leading to a

I tease my paleo friends by asking them how many termites and ants they've eaten recently, because swarming insects are a pretty good source of protein and most apes consider them delicious (see: tool use by gorillas to "fish" for termites). I've got nothing against the diet itself, but yeah, leave the pseudo-science

Heck, even Sheldon finally agreed, in writing, notarized, to be called Amy Fara Fowlers' boyfriend.

I know, I got it and I agree with you. That's why I pulled out one obscure name that could even come close to fitting the bill, and even then, she doesn't.

Yay, you said it so I don't have to. Population statistics do not equal individual outcomes.

No. Don't think a single assassination attempt counts as a spree either.

Swooosh! Bullshit!