
Where's Valerie Solanas when you need her?

Let's not be too hasty here...if he pisses off the right

The Ed Hardy of alcohol if you will.

Even Jon Hamm thinks his character's an asshole—he's said he does not get why people revere Don Draper.

The only thing I object to about the ice cream trucks are the demonic tunes they pump out 24 hours a day. I'm sure there are some evil directives being beamed into my brain by those horrible deedly-dee melodies.

After a veinfull of heroin. Maybe.

Three of the four ingredients listed are native to the Americas, specifically the Mesoamerica region (corn, peppers, chocolate). Once coffee arrived, I would think it would have endowed each inhabitant with immortality.

Which explains why the Aztecs and Mayans lived forever.

In 1987-88 I was on this weird work-exchange thing after college that allowed me to work at the BBC (in a really boring, clerical position) for a few months. Once a week I had to walk past the area where they kept the Doctor Who set pieces as they readied them for filming. Everything was just as cheap as it looked

I don't let my fear keep me from flying anymore, but I do have an understanding with my doctor—I ask her for flying pills (xanax) and she gives me just enough to get through both flights plus a little extra in case of delays. I have found that if you very politely let the flight attendant know that you are a nervous

I took archery in college for a semester. Nearly lost a nipple—if you're large-busted, double bag. And the advice downthread to wear an arm guard is apt. Yowch.

In 1993, my boyfriend broke up with me as he dropped me off at the airport, KNOWING that I am a phobic flyer. I was crying hysterically when I got to the check-in desk at Midwest Express in Milwaulkee. The person behind the counter asked me what happened, I told her and she helped me get my shit together in the

My brother and his wife had a pirate-themed at home wedding. They were touched when everybody showed up with some sort of pirate-y attire on. Someone told my brother he was lucky his wife let him do that. His response, "Let?" Her dad built the plank they walked down and the vows were piratey too. Everybody had

Encouraging and enabling people to eat healthier food by giving them easy access to it is not necessarily promoting "thinness." Eating nothing but crap junk food all day can make a person ill without making them fat.

Pfft, if I had 60+ years of practice, I might be that good too.

I rescued a tiny stray kitten last summer and got scratched or bitten. I didn't think about it, but a coworker freaked out so I went to the doctor. Six weeks and several rounds of rabies shots later, I am forever immune to rabies. Here in NYC, the shots are really hard to come by, so now I feel obligated to make

And this sparked your lifelong interest in astrophysics?

When I was in my twenties and teaching ESL, I asked an older (50's maybe) student where she got her awesome pixie cut. I was totally unprepared for her answer, "Sloan Kettering" because it was just growing back after chemo. That just never occured to me.

Agreed! Although I do recall several years ago stopping by the drugstore with a friend so she could pick up her bcps. It wasn't until several hours later that I thought, "wait, what? She's a lesbian." So in her case, it was for other medical reasons because I know she was exclusively into the ladies. I wonder how

Fergie, I've been double-bagging for years.