
Wait, what? Rap and Rock-and-or-Roll are on there, but not Country or Gospel music? As a New Yorker and an atheist, I am offended.

I go one step further and say the government has no business being in your pants whatsoever. If you want to establish a contract with another person that ensures rights of inheritance, power of attorney, resource sharing, etc., it should be possible for any two people to enter that contract, regardless of the sexual

I think this goes beyond mere kidnapping (as if that could be described as "mere") and well into the territory of human trafficking. Adoptive parents pay tens of thousands of dollars in fees and years dealing with bureaucracy to adopt a child. I'm sure most have no idea how the birth mother is treated and would be

Beyond kidnapping—it's human trafficking. Adoptive parents pay tens of thousands of dollars in "fees", and years of bureaucracy to be matched with a child. I'm sure most have no idea how the birth mother is treated and would be horrified to hear stories such as this.

Hmm, looks like Werner Herzog has a subject for his next movie.

I read "pants" as "parents" and it still sounded right to me.

Not only little emotional scarring, but likely just the opposite—a healthier body and a stronger relationship with dad! Best solution all around. Probably helps your coworker's mental health too.

Absolutely! Enjoy.

When friends/family ask, "how can I lose fat on my arms" they are always surprised when I tell them to walk or run or do squats. Of course I go on to explain why, but that initial look on their face is awesome.

During a really bad case of norovirus, I bought three or four differently colored Gatorades on the advice of the pharmacist (who had just had the same thing two days prior). Kept me somewhat entertained to see colors in/colors out once my belly had been emptied of anything even vaguely resembling food after 16 hours

As a matter of fact, there was an attempt at just such a thing in 2008. Unsurprisingly, most candidates refused to participate in person but handed in written answers.

Killing mice (and rats) is a pretty big deal actually, for the survival of any settled, agrarian population. And I'm a "dog person".

God, reading everything downthread, I feel like the luckiest person in the world. I had an ovarian cyst rupture on Friday. I thought I might have appendicitis, but asked my GP (a nurse practitioner btw), if she could rule it out before heading to the hospital for a 6 hour wait (NYC emergency rooms are always

A bad idea, poorly executed (my bio, not this thread).

Thanks! That was driving me crazy trying to remember where that was from.

Didn't you know? Keanu Reeves is immortal. A website told me so.

Yep, I've used it a couple of times on a treadmill. You have to either wear or carry your iphone though because it relies on the accelerometer to judge pace.

Each story is about 30 minutes and I think there are currently 30 missions so unless you're shambling like a zombie, you'll probably finish before the story is over. I'm going to use it for the NYC half this upcoming weekend, we'll see how it holds up over 2 hours.

I started using this last week and it is way fun and actually a lot more motivating than I thought it would be. I've used it both on the treadmill (you have to hold your iPhone or attach it to you for the accelerometer to work) and outdoors. All the voices are British, so it sort of has a 28 Days vibe to it.

Yeah, but to add insult to injury it was sesame seed (I'm a pumpernickel devotee).