
The minute the men entered her home without permission she acted lawfully. I'm all for reasonable gun control laws, but to claim that she had time to escape while they were attacking her home from both sides? The criminals, too, know what the consequences can be for committing such a crime in the US and particularly

Do the clients have any say in the matter?

My brothers and I set up some "big number" challenges on Fleetly, specifically, run 1,000 miles during 2012 (we are all runners and have all done marathons), 10,000 squats , 10,000 pushups and 50,000 crunches. Broken down on a day by day basis, this comes to less than 3 miles, around 30 squats/pushups and 150

So, what, we have to lie back and think of England while watching what would probably be the most boring porn in the world? stereotypes>

Walking and stairs.

Please tell me your ex-mother-in-law is also your ex-father-in-law's ex-wife because she probably had to put up with that sort of shit her whole marriage too.

I would think that just saying it like that shouldn't be controversial. It doesn't seem to have any "judginess" to it that discussions of weight do.

I've been recommending that doc to everybody. Care for a pint of goose-pond ale?

I was referring to the specific men I've dated. Certainly both parties should be comfortable being vulnerable around each other, but my experience, like AwwwwShiz, is that it is all well and good for me to be there as emotional and sometimes financial support, but the moment I need backup, pfffft, they're gone. It

apparently I have entered a fugue state and logged on as AwwwwShiz.

Hah! My younger brother and I were in our late twenties or early thirties and went clothes shopping. I tried on a pair of jeans and asked his opinion. In the most matter of fact tone, he told me that they made my lower half look chunky. I thanked him and ended up choosing a different, more flattering cut. The

Ugh! I hate when I'm caught in Axe smog. I've had meals ruined by some dude at the next table being doused in it. The smell alone leaves a soapy taste in my mouth. I nearly hurled when a guy who was doused with the stuff started running on the treadmill next to mine. Axe plus sweat equals gaggy.

Bechdel Test, ladies. It shouldn't be that hard.

I'm with you—I would love to have seen this film from her point of view.

I'm an atheist and I know this and it ALWAYS bugs me when people refer to the conception of Jesus as the immaculate conception.

Is she dating a geologist? What's with all the mixed stone in the bathroom?

Best birth control ever.

I think we've covered this before:

I've dreamt of gettting married since I was a little girl. Of course, those dreams were always, literally, nightmares. I've woken up in a cold sweat after finding myself at an altar or in front of a judge marrying someone that I don't know, or an ex-boyfriend or the like. The thought of committing to one person

Could this be one reason why people who exercise (to the point of sweating) have a better immune response? Does temporarily raising one's body temperature knock out incipient infections before they can really take hold?