
My own extensive set of anecdata suggests this is true.

Brasnacks! See also: gummy bears, m&ms.

I got dry socket.

It doesn't sound like the women were being unneccessarily violent, just protecting themselves by restraining the man until authorities could be brought in.

Yeah, I thought singing "Do They Know It's Christmas" was really inappropriate to sing at a homeless shelter!

Ugh! To the tenth power. This is an appropriate way to express sympathy and usually something you say when, frankly, there is nothing else to say. Your mom's in the hospital? I'm so sorry. The " hear that. You must be worried about her." should be implied, no?

Came on specifically to say this!

We NYers learn to ogle stars via peripheral vision or in reflections. It is considered very touristy and tacky to harass a celebrity going about their day-to-day business.

I'm a lady and I give up my seat for all the same reasons. I was never raised to believe that this was something men did for women, but that able-bodied, unencumbered people did because they are not jackasses. Same for opening doors. Having spent five months on crutches a couple of years ago and gaining a grand

Wow, I started seeing (and smelling) the drunk ones at 10:30. I'm a bit of a grinch anyway and this just set my teeth on edge.

Tardigrades made #1!! I love me some water bears. The teeny tiny claws get me every time! I guess I'm an extremophile-ophile.

The trick is, each point is more or less 50 calories. It just makes the math a little easier.

When I was a trainer, the only negative I really ever heard about WW was that it didn't emphasize exercise as well (maybe that has changed?), but that overall it was pretty nutritionally sound. I would encourage my clients to continue with WW if they liked it, but would then explain how adding resistance and cardio

Not quite sure why you inserted the word "despite." Seems like those are prerequisites to celebrity these days. #oldwomanyellsatcloud

Yep! My quads are huge and muscley, so my thighs bulge out in front. A touch of spandex helps pants fit better in a way that just going up a size wouldn't. I actually heard some guys on a fitness podcast complaining that jeans are really hard for athletic men to buy for the same reason and that their jeans are less

I always thought that was where the term "hive mind" came from.

So, do terrorists get to use that defense now? "I only blew up that day-care center because I was trying to scare the government."

I'm old enough to remember when they were called Sugar Smacks.

Well, since French women don't get fat, anything with a French name must be good for you!

A couple of years ago a young relative was staying with me. Her (gay male) friend from a small midwest town was also in the city one weekend and they went to a club. She was roofied and raped. The cops, the medical staff at the hospital and the rape counselor all asked why her friend hadn't stopped it from