
Nope, I've had a crush on him for over a decade.

I'm writing some slash fiction about him and Jon Hamm in my head right now.

Oh my god! I was just explaining this to some co-workers this morning. I discovered it several years ago walking down a very crowded 8th Avenue in midtown NY. Just keep your eyes focused about 50 feet out and people will get out of your way. Somehow, even people who appear to be distracted or walking sideways

Hey, take the win when you've earned it! No apologies needed in this instance.

Ugh! This has happened to me so many times. For whatever reason, men develop a certain unrealistic image of me—some sort of weird, unholy combination of independent ass-kicker and nurturing earth mother (athletic, but also big-boobed is as far as I can figure)—, fall for that, and then get angry when I don't live up

Is he making that excuse? All we know is that he is coming out and admitting what he did because he recognizes that it was wrong and is able to empathize with his victim. I know the argument is made all the time, but is it in this particular case? I'm horrified at what happened to him and to his victim, but it

Humans would not have survived the ice-ages without dogs. Our very existence as a species is owed to them. Plus, they have such snuggly-wuggly shnouts and earbles.

I don't think any of the law students were asked about how it affected the dogs, nor would many of them have the veterinary or animal behavior education to make that determination. The interviewer was specifically asking them how it helped them out. It's called editing.

Would she have been fired if she had alerted authorities to clear signs of child abuse or refused to board someone who showed every sign of being trafficked? This woman is a heroine who should have been rewarded for exhibiting a sharp eye, not fired because her boss couldn't be bothered getting involved.

Totally have to get my niece to send me cast-offs from either of her two pet snakes. I LOVE snakes!

No judgements! But it seems to be a bragging point for men, that's what baffles me. I mean, would a guy brag that he can punch a woman so hard her teeth fall out? Boasting about one's skill as a lover makes more sense, not just that one's cock is so big that ladies don't enjoy the sexing.

I wonder about this sometimes—I think there is the idea that a guy should be proud if he can cause pain with his peen, but honestly, it really isn't fun.

Yep, you can be "Good, Without God"

I'm kind of with you here. The song is pretty bad (autotune makes my ear-holes itch), but the video might give a different perspective to kids who otherwise might just being hearing about "all those lazy slackers and dirty hippies" from Fox News or their conservative communities. A large part of the Occupy movement


Yes. Your breasts are placed between two plates and squished as flat as possible but only for a few seconds. I don't know if breast size makes a difference. Still, that is no reason not to get one if you feel a lump. Dying of cancer hurts a lot more.

Yeah, I didn't mean to single out Catholics. I was raised Catholic, so that was my only experience. Can't speak to other faiths in this regard.

It may or may not be sexual in nature (though so many of these images are highly eroticized), but there is an appeal to a spiritual "pleasure." The statues and painting are not there to provoke disgust but religious ardor.

Have you been in a Catholic church lately? Those building are filled with images of tortured and slaughtered bodies. The statues of Saint Sebastian in ecstasy as he's bound and shot through with arrows? Jesus hanging bloody on the cross? All the martyrs and saints? While the display of dead bodies for living

Do non-hot women have to pay to get in?