
right up there with "lung" and "moist." Horrific words. Underpants or underwear, or the incredibly charming Britishism, "knickers" are all much better.

They are usually paid to do it, though I don't know that is the case here.

Yessss! I sewed Rainbow Dash's cutie mark on the sides of my running tights for the NYC marathon yesterday. I was so disappointed that none of the spectators remarked on them.

So hot in eyes are sweating.

My dog has mastered the Jedi Mind Trick too—"You WANT to give me that food you are eating." What kills me is if I give him a taste of a fruit or vegetable (don't worry, I always check several sources to make sure it is safe for him) and he doesn't like it, he'll spit it out, but come back for more, like, "yeah, right,

I've made a couple of wedding dresses—one for a friend, another for my sister-in-law. Both the bride and I sat down and sketched out the dress, did multiple fittings, sourced the fabric together, etc. The silk itself wasn't that expensive, but the 40 or 50 hours of work, especially the handsewing, meant something

I do kind of like how he accused the Holy Spirit of neglect in his apology.

Ladies can run, as long as they don't hang on to the men's coattails to set a world record (still grrrring about that stupid stupid new rule).

During Marc Maron's WTF podcast in which he interviewed Jon Hamm, they commented on how they didn't get all the fuss and bother women were going through re: pubic region. Hamm said something along the lines of, "listen ladies, whatever you've got going on down there, we're pretty much good with it." and that we

Probably more than you need to know, but when I kiss my little Quaker's beak it sort of tastes like fresh corn.

Had a similar experience with my little brother (OK, we're both in our 40s) while watching the women's World Cup finals. He was sort of taken aback by how pretty Hope Solo was and then immediately apologized for objectifying her. I told him it's OK to appreciate a woman's beauty, as long as that's not the only thing

Hah! My mother has told me about this guy, whom she has spoken to on more than one occassion at her call center.

This is basically "pose" walking/running which a lot of barefoot and minimal runners do. Just lean forward a little bit and keep your feet under your center of gravity—you'd be amazed at how fast and how far you can run.

I woke up with my house on fire when I was in college. Even though I lived on the first floor and had several windows through which to escape, I opened my bedroom door and tried to walk through a smoke-filled livingroom. Fortunately, my companion from the night before had the good sense to pull me back in and punch

About 15 years ago I started exercising/eating right and the guy who owned the veggie/fruit market (big part of the eating right thing) that I went to sort of pulled me aside and asked if everything were OK because I had lost so much weight. I was not underweight at that point by any means, but he was worried that

I'm sure almost none of these women are courted by designers to wear their work on the red carpet, have professional stylists, or wealthy enough to own several red-carpet-ready duds so maybe go a little easy on them?

I've actually competed against Phaidra Knight! Well, of course she came in about 60 places ahead of me, but still, watching her perform was amazing.

My best friend's 11-year-old kid went as a nerdy vampire last year (apparently her own idea)—awesome twist on the vampire theme. I think nerding up stuff in reaction to the sexy-fication of everything is kind of hilarious. Nerd cop, nerd nurse, nerd cat...endless possibilities.

This fits perfectly with already-existing setpoint theory. If your body tries to maintain homeostasis at a particular weight, it is either going to make you hungrier/less hungry or more or less likely to move. I would guess that caloric balance remains more or less the same whether one is in caloric intake deficit

How long before there is an Occupy Ice Sheet movement? That thieving penguin is clearly a one-percenter.