
How long before there is an Occupy Ice Sheet movement? That thieving penguin is clearly a one-percenter.

How long before there is an Occupy Ice Sheet movement? That thieving penguin is clearly a one-percenter.

How long before there is an Occupy Ice Sheet movement? That thieving penguin is clearly a one-percenter.

I don't generally take vitamins, but I did have a blood test recently and the endocrinologist put me on a once-per-week dose of 50,000 IU of vitamin D. I'm a vegetarian by the way (ovo-lacto). Next blood test we're going to check B12 values too (turns out my endo is a vegetarian as well!), and will only supplement

AXE! Do not put this on before going to a restaurant (had a soapy taste in my mouth just from smelling the guy at the next table—ruined my meal). Nor should you put this on before going to work out at the gym. I started gagging once while running on a treadmill when the guy who got on the machine next to me started

I have several of their single-note scents—I love anything water (including rain and snow) or smoke smelling. I even bought a bunch of scents: hedgerow, a sea-water scent and the coppertone suntan lotion smell from the 1960s for a childhood friend who was going through a rough time—these were the smells of our

I love the last line about the subtlety and color of modern design. My grandfather used to manufacture glasses frames and I remember as a kid finding a stash of them (in the early 1970s) in his attic. Best dress-up cache ever! All cat-eye style.

Has anybody ever investigated these kind of places for human trafficking? From what I understand, they really put the pressure on to not only have the baby, but give it up for adoption as well. Sounds super-shady.

Give birth and then give up the child for adoption if I'm not mistaken.

My doctor just put me on a once-weekly prescription dose of 50,000 IU (compare to 1,000 IU in over-the-counter D pills). Lack of D can be devastating to your body's ability to process calcium, which affects not only bones, but the heart and nervous system as well.

Yay! Been looking forward to this all year!

absolutely. I've been trying to make "same shit, different asshole" happen for years.

An African-American friend and I have a sardonic joke about his being harassed by the police: "Well, if you're going to go out being all 'black' in public, you really only have yourself to blame. Black is a choice after all."

Just last week I got several emails from a dude in London I dated (OK, lived with) for six months 24 years ago!! I was absolutely obsessed with him at the time and did some really stupid/risky things to hang on to him, but then just woke up one day and said "no."

I got the MBTs several years ago after having problems with my back and they seemed to help tremendously. I was surprised when somebody asked me about my "cellulite fighting" shoes as I had been unaware that that was what most people were buying them for. I've gone in completely the opposite direction now, running

Well, if we were playing fuck, marry or kill, he'd definitely be "fuck". He's a handsome guy on a television drama; a fictional character that we can manipulate at will in our own personal fanfic. In real life, he'd be a nightmare.

YES! These two deserve a celebrity mashup name.

My mom was a total slut—she had sex five times.

Per the last paragraph: I hate criticism that says, "don't look at this little thing, look at that big thing!" It's what's kept women's civil rights at the margins of universal civil rights movement forever (and minority rights within women's rights battles, etc.).

I was lucky enough to see the UCB live when they first started out in NYC, even took a few classes with them back in the 1990s (about a half-dozen of my former classmates are all over television now, including Rob Corrdry). Hers was the only class I was never able to get into as she taught only the most advanced and