
I actually teared up when Ben gave her the campaign button. He didn't turn into a dick about it or even think about asking her to choose. Awesome. Anyway NBC shows have a way of stringing along "bad timing" relationships over several seasons, so he'll be around.

Sex has no place in the military, which is why there is never ever any kind of rape ever by or of military personnel. Ever.

We have these in cities. We call them subways and buses.

I've met those Cornell guys at a Maker Faire, and yeah, they can print organs or scaffolds for organs (seeded with stem-cells, bake at 98.6 degrees for 6-9 months and you've got a kidney!). I imagine this "technology transfer" is just a way to start getting this technology into consumer hands, not entirely unlike how

Gawd! Just reading the words "Creepy Crawlers" jolted my olfactory system into overdrive—I can so remember the specific smell of burning rubber on our stovetop.

Just lady-nipples. Men can show off their useless nips all they want.

I was checking the thread to see if anyone else had said just this. I like it when people publicly display that they are voluntarily removing themselves from sexual competition. Kind of like a wedding ring or a nun's habit. Helps keep confusion to a minimum.

My experience as both a veteran gym-goer/weight-lifter/competitive powerlifter: go in the morning if you want to avoid the overt preening and pick-up scene. In the few gyms I've gone to, at least where I live in NYC, morning folks tend to be a lot more focused on getting through their workouts. They also seem to be

Ahhh, I used to be a powerlifter! I spent a couple of years as a trainer too and always laughed (to myself) at the "I'm going to get bulky" fears because I knew how damned hard I had to work to build muscle just for strength, never mind the hypertrophy that my bodybuilding sistas were trying for.

I often shop Payless because most of their shoes are non-leather and yep, several seasons of Sirianos!

Same. My dog looks like a muppet, but was terribly abused as a pup (I got him when he was four years old). He's OK with me and a couple of other people and he isn't aggressive insofar as he won't go out of his way to snap at someone, but if you try to pet him, he will go after your hand. Someone ignored my warnings

He has a head like a fucking orange.

I'm a vegetarian, but these I would eat. You know, to save the environment.

Dry Idea. Roll on.

Article says he's 30, which makes it 50% more adorable.

When I was making my friend's wedding dress, she asked if sleeves were really hard to make because she couldn't find a single dress that wasn't strapless. So, she got sleeves.

I call my empire top my "sittin' shirt" because I often get offered a seat when I wear it. The first couple of times I declined, saying with a laugh that I wasn't pregnant—it's just the shirt, but sometimes I'll take the seat because people actually like to do nice things for others and it makes them feel better.

I know! I'm just a couple of years younger and that is about 20 minutes faster than my best. Grrrr.

and the fossil fuel energy companies who fund climate-change deniers have absolutely NO financial stake in the argument...

30 rope climbs? Is that a named workout or just a sadistic trainer at your box?