
and I will be a 40+ wearing a gold bikini around my house too, you know, for dignity.

Ugh! I used to get that all the time when I was 14. I never wore makeup or tried to dress older, those dudes were just icky. I think my mother fired my sister's saxaphone teacher after he made such a comment to me.

Jimminy Cricket was the star of the film we watched in third grade (1974?) explaining what happens when we get our periods. I never quite got the connection...until now!

I saw the same exhibit. Especially memorable was the dolphin display. Gave the term blow-hole a whole new meaning.

I was going to go with Dagon...Cthulu is too elitist for Bachmann.

or that he thought he was clever enough to pull off a successful defense.

Sounds like roofie. A young relative who had been staying with me last summer fell victim. The rape kit blood test showed rohypnol in her system. It makes you incredibly sick for a day or two afterwards.

I thought maybe you worked on a tropical island and people just casually lugged around whole coconuts wherever they went. I think I maybe I need a vacation in such a place.

Yep, I've got puppy tourettes too. It's like a totally different part of my brain processes canines and as soon as I see one all neural activity switches over. PUPPY!!!! I think most often I look down at it and say, "hello gorgeousness!"

I've been a vegetarian for 32 years. It doesn't bother me when other people eat meat—that's their business, but I have taken to checking menus online when I get a group dinner invitation. Same party strategy as you—eat ahead of time, bring your own food if appropriate and if the host(ess) gets concerned because I'm

Not to make light of your comment, but where do you work that people regularly bring in coconuts? I sympathize with people who have allergies and dietary restrictions, but for some reason, that line made me smile :-)

Yep, outdoor running=whatever is bouncing around my noggin'. Living in a city, I think it is safer too. New York Road Runners strongly discourages runners from wearing headphones during their (comically, frustratingly) crowded races because other runners can be a hazard too if you can't hear what's going on around

well, just tell them that you'll get all that stuff done in the 7 to 10 healthy years that you'll outlive them. Related(?) I'm a (really non-preachy) vegetarian and people often volunteer reasons that they *have* to eat meat, but as far as I've learned, with very few medical exceptions, the only good reason to eat

I was never this bad, but I have asked my mother repeatedly why she never crept into my room and smothered me with a pillow between my 14th and 18th year. Seriously, no jury would have convincted her.

LOL—kids today! We were wearing Docs in the early 1980's.

Like carb-loading before a marathon—it sounds like it could be fun, but three days of choking down pasta and potatoes makes you feel just gross. Force feeding is just as not-fun as starving for an event/role.

What's weird is they were originally bred as war dogs and sent into battle for their size and ferocity, but when that trait was no longer desired, they were bred the other way to be super sweet and gentle giants.

Just went to the site for last year's issue. This is one of the most beautiful displays of diverse athletes' bodies. It includes 73 year old Jeff Ferrel and Esther Vergeer, a wheelchair athlete (tennis player) and Phillipa Raschker, a 63 year old track and field champion. These bodies are sexy as hell, but not

I was just thinking that I'm going to go home and make one. It looks pretty practical.

Me too!! My last boyfriend did NOT get it at all.