I am glad I decided to peruse the existing comments before I posted my own “Alex Pareene is the reason Measles is making a comeback” post.
I am glad I decided to peruse the existing comments before I posted my own “Alex Pareene is the reason Measles is making a comeback” post.
I feel legitimately embarrassed for Pareene that his moody, precious, verbose, and self-important bullshit was published directly next to what Diana wrote.
the bar is really low when i see these photos and say wow he looked so healthy back then
She left the restaurant early and left Donald toupee the check
“Rosie O’Donnell is not an acceptable answer, Mr. Trump”
gawker writers place of retirement
Hey look, it’s an internet cool guy leaving comments on a website. He must be so awesome. I bet he’s the most popular kid at the internet club and has a ton of internet friends.
Most surprising plot twist is the show adds Martin as a character and kills him off, therefore explaining why the final books AREN’T FREAKING DONE YET.
What was Comey supposed to do? What the FBI has been doing for decades. Quietly investigate and not release a statement unless or until they discover any actual evidence.
If it’s off Craiglist, do not eat it raw.
Comey couldn’t wait EIGHT DAYS to complete an ongoing investigation, as per protocol, to mention the fucking emails?! You know, show some restraint, like he has about ongoing investigations into Trump dealings?! What a bag of cocks. He better be drafting a resignation letter now, he’s out of a job Jan. 21.
the age of the nasty woman has begun. . .
I’m not even sure this is all that helpful. It puts “FBI” “Emails” and “No charges” at the top of the headlines right up until election day.
It’s funny - you sound exactly like the BBC’s panel of experts, confidently quoting polls showing a 52-48 vote for Britain to stay in Europe right before the counting started!
These are a bunch of scared old white men who horde guns to protect themselves from blacks, Muslims and Mexicans. There won’t be a violent uprising because that means they’d have to go outside where there could be blacks, Muslims and Mexicans.
I’m sure they’ll declare it over and over again on message boards far and wide. And then they won’t do anything in the real world.
I get the feeling that if someone did murder Trump, his kids would waste no time exploiting every single moment for their personal gain.
I’m just waiting for one of these to happen, and he picks up a baby.
Trump will never be elected president ‘cause the American people know that electing Trump is like trying to use a croissant as a fucking dildo: it doesn’t do the job and it makes a fucking mess! I’m voting for the Republican, Hillary.
Tobias has been saving his smoked meat since forever. Starting to smell a little fünke.