To be fair, it was a different era. In 1998, urinating in other people’s beds wasn’t as big of a deal as it is today.
To be fair, it was a different era. In 1998, urinating in other people’s beds wasn’t as big of a deal as it is today.
This is just standard gun locker talk. Everyone does it.
Her lawyer looks like he slept in the back of a Chinese nail salon last night.
Also, Bill Clinton has ties to Epstein, which is one reason I think the Dem campaign hasn’t even TRIED to touch this one with a 100-foot pole.
Because he can play football really well and it doesn’t matter to the football program, coaching staff, athletic department, and university administration if he beats women so long as he can help them win.
That’s how their inflatable life raft of a father always looked in public in te 80's and 90's....the Derek Zoolander grouper fish puckered asshole mouth
“check your status”?
Your comment is the Kinja equivalent of an overwhelmingly chaotic future mega-city.
Probably chose Newark because it was too dangerous to get the same shots in Camden.
This is why we need to stop curing new diseases. Especially Zika, a disease capable of halving the human population withing a couple of generations just through handing people out condoms. Either no kids or kids that cannot breed themselves, it is the mst humane population control disease ever. Of course if I had my…
I guess what I don’t understand is, it seems like what he’s saying is that she was out of business for 3 years, and is expecting him to mitigate that, where he’s saying 6 months would be reasonable to get everything back to shape and he shouldn’t have to pay for an additional 2.5 year sabbatical. Which, I guess I…
EVERYTHING works if you’re Bill Murray.
I’m absolutely not defending this guy. But this isn’t what he’s arguing. Part of the damages that he was sued for included the consequences of shutting down the abortion clinic. This asshole is claiming that the abortion clinic closed voluntarily, and so he shouldn’t have to pay for those specific damages.
That’s the thing about every Clinton “revelation”: I find out something that makes me uncomfortable or leave a bad taste in my mouth, and then I remember that the other side is doing shit a thousand times worse and it’s hard to give a shit about Clinton anymore.
It’s crazy that a 60-something person wouldn’t micromanage her office technology solutions?
Actually it’s cater-corner. Any other variation is a malapropism.
Pedant chiming in; the term comes from an archaic phrase known as “cater-corner” which describes being diagonally across from one another. The phrase has taken on multiple iterations from “catty-corner” to “caddy-corner” to “kitty-corner”. All of which are acceptable, but the “catty-corner” is clearly the closest to…