The White Yaksha

“We ran a candidate whom everyone hates...” is untrue, but I’ve decided that the Dems should choose their next candidate SOLELY on the basis of “is s/he likeable?” because that’s obviously the most important factor to voters. Someone needs to buy the domains and

I hate to publish my text exchange with nanny again because it felt creepy enough the first time around, but she told me flat out she voted for trump because of “the new Hillary investigation”. People don’t actually read and gather facts anymore. Votes are easily swayed by misinformation gleaned off Facebook.

Conflicts of interest, schmonflicsts of schmintrist is what I always say!

His supporters have absolute ADD and no memory whatsoever. They don’t remember Newt Gingrich from his speaker of the house days - or even that he ran in the primary 8 months ago. He’s just a familiar face on Fox News.

It’s like every person you hate assembling to form an Asshole Voltron.

“I have not adequately prepared myself to be competitive in the contemporary job market!”

This is really great and timely.

What are you talking about?

People think the worst things about the Trump presidency is that Donald Trump is a hate-spewing, divisive narcissist with no experience or plan.

But the worst thing for me is that Mitch McConnell is happy.

See, the difference is I’m not questioning Trump’s legitimacy as president. He won it fair and square in our shitshow of an election process. I don’t literally believe he’s not the president like the Obama haters did. But he does not represent anything I stand for or any of the values that actually make America great.

Since both houses of Congress are currently Republican-controlled as of the 2016 election …

I didn’t vote for him

I love how you make this the focal point and you don’t even mention how, after the play, the back helmsman decapitated 17 geese with his longsword to secure 15 toggle points, which, by the way, the priest converted easily into 2 victory runes.

What you mean is that they have no interest in the big picture, but “OHNOES the candidate doesn’t align with me exactly!!!”.

Yes, white folks did vote him in. That’s the fucking problem. They looked at their POC neighbors and said, “Nope, the possibility of lower taxes and the chance to tarnish the legacy of our first black president is worth more than them.” The white Republicans (and Independents in Name Only) were going to align

The enthusiasm gap mattered. Millennials who complained about Bernie not winning or how much they disliked Clinton didn’t make calls and didn’t encourage their friends/families in swing states to vote. Part of Obama’s win was the fact that so many people stepped up and participated in phone banks. If folks in CA and

Cannot wait for the NFL in Trump’s America. It will revert to its original form: two teams of 50 men bludgeoning an endangered whale with wooden clubs in a stadium filled with hundreds of thousands of screaming fans. The game ends when one team strikes the killing blow or the stock market crashes. Whichever comes

Haha “as of late”? This whole site was built on hyperbole. Everything is your “ridiculously awesome” this, or “I can’t even” that.

I think Trump cares about police shootings. He just thinks there aren’t enough.