The White Yaksha

He’s a stupid asshole. Seriously. There is no way to get around that.

Good for Harry Reid. Too bad he found his spine only when it was too late.

It’s called an executive summary and it’s the first page of every report, paper, study, analysis. It is short, has one or two key phrases, and quick to read. George Bush didn’t read boring reports either, for 8 years. The only difference is that for all his flaws and fuckups, Bush was less of a disaster than Trump

Bless your heart.

Bless your heart.

Look at the Big Boy president to be. Melania is holding his hand and steadying him to keep him from crying.

Melania looks good though. Sure she used to be an eastern European almost naked slut-model (the best kind of model), but she holds herself well, has good skin, walks gracefully, and has the best fake smile which she can hold for hours.

Professional writer wrestles with English and loses. Does not know the meaning of cohort. O tempore, o mores. When did standards fall so low?

Sorry ladies, it seems there was more racism than there was misogyny. When will women achieve parity? Not in our life time I’m afraid.

They’ll have to wrestle with the wrestles and wrestle and wrestle the consequences of their holds and hold that wrestle and take the fall and team up on the tags and this is not professional wrestling so no pile driver still drive home the standing 8 count wait stop touching my cock this is wrestling not gay sex whose

Way to go. That will surely fix things. Trump will be shivering in his boots.

he lost the popular vote

stop calling them the “alt right”

Oh? Is he going to be unelected if enough people protest? Flag him for deletion? Grey him out? He’s president, he doesn’t care.

“white supremacist heteropatriarchy” is coming for your pure political ass. Enjoy the Trumping and own it.


Sure Trump won but at least we don’t have to worry about Hillary being in the pocket of Wall Street and the big banks. Thank God we avoided that!

It’s the Trumpxit.

She owns Trump. Hang it around her neck like a dead Albatross.

Too late losers, even if it makes you feel good. It’s done. Oh and wasn’t there a lot of speculation that Trump wouldn’t accept a loss gracefully. Isn’t this a case of progressive sour grapes? You lost, that’s how democracy works in the US.