Ralph Nader called both Stein and Johnson, congratulating them for hard fought campaigns, and giving them each an attaboy for representing democracy at it’s finest.
Ralph Nader called both Stein and Johnson, congratulating them for hard fought campaigns, and giving them each an attaboy for representing democracy at it’s finest.
Typical speech by Trump. Incoherent babble, repetition, and showing someone incapable of linear or complex thought. The US has elected a bigger clown than Berlusconi, Chavez, or the Brexit morons. We will never be able to mock other countries’ leaders again.
The Trumpenstein monster is coming. He remembers every insult and every slight and he’s itching for revenge. It’s gonna be a bloodbath.
Check Shemp McAllister’s Kinja Deals posts on Wednesday. I understand there will be a special on pussy guards. Gonna need ‘em when Trumpenstein wins.
Well this is looking really scary. But if Trump gets elected, we can still blame the Jews, right? That always works.
The Cisco Kid was in the audience and he yelled to his sidekick, “Hey Pancho!” Sadly Vazquez misheard it as “puncho” and was tragically triggered into delivering the fatal wallop.
I see this as him encouraging fellow gays to vote for Clinton, so good for him.
Correct grammar (Hahaha I kid. Like you would recognize that if it came up behind you and fucked you in the ass.)
Good thing you caught that and focused on the most important thing in this article.
This is gonna be great. Do we know which David Chappelle will show up?
Let’s pray they do declare war. It would be the Bundy ranch and the Oregon occupation writ large. A bunch of dumbass retards with guns playing out their fantasies, and hopefully pulling a LaVoy at the end, running around in a panic and getting their asses shot.
Blatant Greyism.
When Stupidman becomes President ya’ll gonna be so pissed. The exploding heads are going to be messy.
He’s got a pleasant smile and a happy glint in his eyes. This is just a prank which went a little too far in the direction of bad taste. Losing his job is too much of an overreaction. I’m sure he’ll never do it again now that he knows it’s wrong. It’s not like he shot the homeless dude and then stood around and…
What an earnest and lengthy comment thread this is. God you fucking sports morons are morons.
Moral gestures lose elections.
For a living god like him to have maintained a sense of modesty is quite impressive.
Why don’t you do Shmenge yoga? It has 51 easy as pie poses, each includes beer and kielbasy, and at the end you are replete, happy, sleepy, and dopey.
Could have been more briefer.
Trump engages in tax evasion on a grand scale. All of it is legal. Ethically and morally questionable, sure. Illegal, nope.