The White Yaksha

Not to be outdone, the Donald released his own song, “Flip a Bird”.

screwed to the wall

The black one. It’s hell, apparently.

I’m very popular with the Indians, very popular. All the best Indians. Not like Pocahontas over there

+916 million

So his grasp of Hindi and English are about the same! 

THANK YOU!!! I always thought GaGa (aka stephanie germanotta, NYU arts/Tisch student, who was definitely not a pop star and not even a BLONDE with caraaazay outfits) was the aforementioned regular but talented singer’s adopted persona, inspired by Madonna whether she likes it or not. I also thought this was super

I always find such comparisons a waste of time because as great as it us when a pop singer has an awesome voice, that’s not nearly as important as their ability to entertain. If great voices were essential to us opera singers would outsell all of these pop singers.

Same for Desperately Seeking Susan.

I have to drive through that area a few times of year on the way from Chicago to the UP of Michigan. It’s a decaying wasteland of white hillbillies who have likely never been south of Green Bay, seen a handful of African-Americans and Mexicans at best and have a long-lived hatred for the free-loading Native Americans

I believe so much in “America” that I cry foul when you don’t stand for our national anthem, yet I will threaten to overthrow the government if the election doesn’t go my way.

I must say I’m starting to have some doubts about this Trump gentleman. I initially quite liked his idea to make America great again; I was lucky enough to visit the country recently and I rated it only “very good” rather than “great” (I knocked a mark off because the hotel kept forgetting to change our towels and

I love the optimism, but Hillary is going to lose Texas by at least 10 points. She’ll win Houston, but there are too damn many racist, sexist idiots in Texas.

If you were a Jew then you would know when the Jews were going to be dragged into this as you guys have this stuff all preplanned centuries in advance. DONT LIE!

Sandwiches are pretty much anything where there’s a filling of some sort, usually protein and some other accessories, that is delivered via some sort of carbohydrate.

this guy gets it

toasted sandwiches, ranked:

Congressional Republicans in a Clinton presidency are going to make the last 8 years look like they were holding hands and singing Kumbaya with President Obama.

It’s genuinely amazing, because from a private standpoint Medicare and Medicaid are literally set up to fail: the whole reason they were created in the first place is that private health insurance flat-out refused to cover poor people and old people, on the grounds they were too dang expensive to allow to continue

Medicare-for-all will force the American health insurance industry to adapt in much the same way Chicxulub forced the dinosaurs to adapt.