This would be standard Trump. Trump gave his friend and mentor Roy Cohn a set of diamond Bulgari cufflinks as a gift. After Cohn died the cufflinks were found to be fake knockoffs in a Bulgari box.
This would be standard Trump. Trump gave his friend and mentor Roy Cohn a set of diamond Bulgari cufflinks as a gift. After Cohn died the cufflinks were found to be fake knockoffs in a Bulgari box.
I’d eat pierogies off Gwyneth’s dirty ass. I’d smear it with gobs of sour cream first.
“What kind is it?”
Bernie might have won and we would have had a socialist president. A pleasant, warm and caring socialist who would accomplish nothing and bungle everything. Since Bernie considers losing nobly to be even better than winning, let us in that spirit call him the winner of the 2016 election. He’d appreciate that.
Ah the nostalgia. The ‘recomendation carousel’ in the sidebar brings the faded ghost of Tyler back for a quick bow. Miss you man, I just can’t seem to find the time to chase you to your new home.
I know nothing about your character or integrity but I’m pretty sure you have no understanding. That is, you are a moron. You are dumb. You speak from your asshole because that is where your brain is.
Somebody needs to be scalped.
OMG!! I hope Chelsea is OK. She’s been so fierce and so brave up to now, bearing up under the torture the military has put her through. I’m worried about what new atrocity is being practiced on her in secret.
say a small business owner who owns a cofffee shop
...put in a truly noble effort...
Colin Kaepernick and those who have joined his protest have ended institutional racism. The power of symbolic protest to effect change is enormous. Just look at the extraordinary changes Occupy Wall Street made in the distribution of wealth in the US.
He is being much presidential. He is good man, stronk! In Russia he would be honored for his manliness.
You sad, sad, fool.
You don’t like ‘craven’, that’s fine. Pick any word you like.
I like the accompanying audio commentary.
Very seasonal. Fall colors.
Let me just say that THIS is a fucking article. None of that faggy Gawker shit, this is keeping it real.
I am devastated. This is extremely unfortunately unfortunate. What brilliant insights will we miss because of the unseemly snark and hurtful attitudes of the gutter press?
In days of old,
Here’s a question from Billy in the audience, Mr. Trump: “After you grabbed her pussy, how was it?”